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International opportunities via network memberships

The Office of Global Engagement coordinates network memberships to various international organizations and institutes on behalf of UVic. 

Find available funding opportunities and other resources for faculty, staff and students offered through each of the memberships listed below. 

For questions about the current and prospective memberships, please contact 


ACU: The Association of Commonwealth Universities

Vision: A world in which higher education transcends borders, strengthens societies, fosters innovation, and lifts the lives of people throughout the Commonwealth and beyond.

  • 500 members across 50 countries in the Commonwealth
  • Specialized and focused networks
  • Student mobility programs – Summer school grants for UK undergraduates to attend
  • partner universities
  • Queen Elizabeth Commonwealth Scholarships
  • Network of partner organizations
  • Research grants and fellowships
  • Grants and fellowships for university staff
  • Student scholarships, bursaries, grants and fellowships
  • Professional development and networking events
  • Biennial international conference
  • Quarterly newsletter
  • Private LinkedIn group
  • Speaking opportunities

Academics Without Borders’ mission is to help developing countries improve their universities so that they can train their own experts and conduct research to assist in their countries’ development.

  • 24 Canadian post-secondary network members
  • Active in 23 countries, supporting 38 universities, 110 projects and 165 volunteers
  • The Network offers opportunities for academics to propose projects in conjunction with developing world universities and to participate in them.
  • “The internationalization of education…shapes institutional values, influences external relations and partnerships, and impacts upon the entire educational enterprise.” – Canadian Bureau of International Education
  • Conference
  • Newsletter
  • Volunteer opportunities

BCCIE is a key partner in advancing international education in British Columbia.
Teir mission is to position British Columbia as an education destination of choice for global learners and to promote two-way mobility in BC’s education system.

  • Partnerships and Market Development
  • Capacity Building and Leadership
  • Communications and Global Engagement
  • Annual Conference – June
  • UVic staff regularly present at and attend annual conference
  • GE/ISS/ELC/Co-op/GSB all highly engaged in BCCIE committees, professional development opportunities and networks
  • Mentorship program
  • BC Study Abroad – Bursaries, Scholarships, Study Abroad program database, news and events
  • Study in BC – Practical info, student stories, useful resources
  • Team BC Missions
  • Professional Development Events
  • Reports and publications
  • Directory of primary government partners and service providers

CBIE is the national voice advancing Canadian international education by creating and mobilizing expertise, knowledge, opportunity and leadership. CBIE is a global leader in international education, dedicated to equity, quality, inclusiveness and partnership.
Over the last 50 years, CBIE has managed 100+ global projects worth over $2.5 billion – in over 60 countries and 17 languages. CBIE has mobilized more than 35,000 students and trainees, for educational programs in Canada and abroad.

  • 144 Canadian members (post-secondary and K-12)
  • UVic is highly engaged with CBIE initiatives and opportunities
  • Director, Global Engagement is presently on the Board of Directors for CBIE
  • GE/ISS/ELC/Co-op/GSB all highly engaged in CBIE committees, professional development opportunities and networks
  • UVic staff regularly present at and attend annual conference
  • CBIE Community Hub (launching soon)
    • Discussion Forums
    • Searchable Resource Library
    • Job Board
    • Event Listings
    • Latest IE News and Reports
    • Member Directory and Direct Messaging (within the Hub)
    • Email Notifications Preferences (none, instant, daily or weekly digests)
  • Annual Conference – November
  • CBIE Newsletter
  • Events and Professional Development
  • Consulting and Research Opportunities
  • Employment Opportunities
  • Media Releases
  • Scholarships

Canada-India Research Centre of Excellence dedicated to the development of research collaborations between Canada and India.
Pan-Canadian Centre bringing together researchers, industry innovators, community leaders, government agencies, and community organizations from across India and Canada, to work hand-in-hand to develop and implement community-based solutions to the most urgent needs of each nation: poor water quality, unsafe and unsustainable infrastructure, and poor health from water-borne and infectious diseases.

  • 311 current partners (academic, government, industry and community)
  • Newsletters
  • Annual conference – June – Vancouver
  • Annual week in India – December
    • UVic delegation attending Dec 2019
  • Research funding
  • Students award funding
  • Research resources
  • Programs and workshops
  • 28 patents, 52 projects funded

Scholars at Risk 

Universities, colleges, and other institutional members of the SAR Network have a variety of opportunities to make a difference in protecting threatened scholars and strengthening the university space. 

The UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)

A global initiative for the United Nations.

SDSN promotes integrated approaches to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, through education, research, policy analysis, and global cooperation.

SDSN Canada is focused on developing an SDG research agenda for Canada, cultivating high-quality SDG education, and galvanizing support throughout the country to achieve the SDGs. It achieves its results with a focus on four initial thematic areas: 

  • Education and Training for Sustainable Development 
  • Sustainable and Inclusive Cities 
  • Canada’s Energy-Climate Nexus
  • Doing Justice to Life on Land and Below Water
The UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) was set up in 2012 under the auspices of the UN Secretary-General. SDSN mobilizes global scientific and technological expertise to promote practical solutions for sustainable development, including the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Climate Agreement. SDSN works closely with United Nations agencies, multilateral financing institutions, the private sector, and civil society.
SDSN is guided by a Leadership Council, which brings together global sustainable development leaders from all regions and all sectors, including civil society, public, and private sectors. The Leadership Council acts as the board of SDSN. Much of SDSN’s work is led by National or Regional SDSNs, which mobilize knowledge institutions around the SDGs. The research & policy work mobilizes experts from around the world on the technical challenges of implementing the SDGs and the Paris Climate Agreement. The SDG Academy leads the education work of the SDSN.
Until 2016, the SDSN Secretariat was hosted by the Earth Institute at Columbia University. Since July 2016, the SDSN Secretariat and the SDG Academy have been hosted by the SDSN Association, a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. SDSN has offices in New York, Paris, and Kuala Lumpur.

The Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute is a binational organization that promotes understanding between India and Canada through academic activities and exchanges.
The Shastri Institute is funded by and partners closely with government bodies in both India and Canada. The Institute aims to achieve gender equality and reduce poverty by focusing programming on sustainable development and other United Nations Millennium Development Goals.

  • Seminars
  • Internships and fellowships
  • Book and journal programme
  • Grants and awards (research, mobility funding for faculty and student internships and fellowships, travel awards)
  • Newsletters

Universities Canada

  • Membership organization providing university presidents with a unified voice for higher education, research and innovation. Universities Canada advances the mission of member institutions to transform lives, strengthen communities and find solutions to the most pressing challenges facing our world.
  • Provides a forum for university leaders to share ideas and address challenges in higher education.
  • Fosters collaboration among universities and governments, the private sector, communities and international partners to help build a better world.
  • Universities Canada holds a Standing Advisory Committee on International, currently Chaired by University of Ottawa President (Jacques Frémont).