What we're writing
Peruse through the most recent publications (2016-present) by our faculty members, and be sure to check back regularly for updates.
Peter Dietsch
Peter Dietsch, “A fairer and more effective carbon tax”, Nature Sustainability, https://rdcu.be/dWEY6
Peter Dietsch and Thomas Rixen, “Dimensions of Global Justice in Taxing Multinationals”, Moral Philosophy and Politics, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1515/mopp-2023-0062
Peter Dietsch, “Just returns from capitalist production”, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 2023, DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s10677-023-10407-y
Peter Dietsch, “If it’s not your talent, how come you’re getting an incentive?”, Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy 9 (2023), 183-212
Peter Dietsch, “Designing the fiscal-monetary nexus: Policy options for the EU”, Review of Social Economy 81/1 (2023), 154-71
Peter Dietsch, Vincent Arel-Bundock, Mark R. Brawley, Allison Christians, Juliet Johnson, Krzysztof Pelc, Ari Van Assche, “The Global Economy”, in: [French version] Frédéric Mérand & Jennifer Welsh (eds.), Le Monde d’Après. Les consequences de la COVID-19 sur les relations internationales, Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2023, 73-89
[English version] Frédéric Mérand & Jennifer Welsh (eds.), The Afterworld. Long Covid and International Relations, University of Ottawa Press, 2024, 53-68
“Money creation, debt, and justice”, Politics, Philosophy & Economics 20/2, 151-79
“Independent Agencies, Distribution, and Legitimacy: The Case of Central Banks”, American Political Science Review, letter, 114/2: 591-95
“Les banques centrales et la justice sociale” (with François Claveau and Clément Fontan), Éthique publique 21/2
“Exit versus voice – options for socially responsible investment in collective pension plans”, Economics & Philosophy 36/2: 246-64
“Debate: In Defence of Fiscal Autonomy: A Reply to Risse and Meyer” (with Thomas Rixen), Journal of Political Philosophy 27/4: 499-511
Jean-Frédéric Morin et al. (four main authors, ten minor authors of whom Dietsch is one), “How Informality Can Address Emerging Issues: Making the Most of the G7”, Global Policy, 10/2, 267-73
“On the very idea of an efficient wage”, Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 11/2, 85-104
“Growing the pie or slicing it differently – On the need to disentangle two aspects of trade agreements”, Global Justice: Theory, Practice, Rhetoric 10, 43-56 [previously published as working paper at the European University Institute: EUI SPS 2017/04]
“Central banking and inequalities: Taking off the blinders” (with Clément Fontan and François Claveau), Politics, Philosophy & Economics 15/4 (2016),
Do Central Banks Serve the People? (co-authored with François Claveau and
Clément Fontan), Polity Press
The book has been reviewed in Economics and Philosophy and Review of Political Economy
[French translation: Les banques centrales servent-elles nos intérêts? Paris : Raisons d’Agir, 2019]
Catching Capital – The Ethics of Tax Competition, Oxford University Press
Reviews have been published in Economics & Philosophy, Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, Contemporary Political Theory, Foreign Affairs, Journal of Development Studies, and on the phdskat blog. A book symposium has been published in Philosophiques, and two book workshops have been held at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra on July 5th 2018 and at the University of Zürich on April 7th 2016.
Book chapters
Peter Dietsch, Clément Fontan, Jérémie Dion, and François Claveau, “Green Central Banking”, in: J. Sandberg and L. Warenski, The Philosophy of Money and Finance, Oxford University Press, 2024, pp.283-302
François Claveau, Clément Fontan, Peter Dietsch and Jérémie Dion, “Central banking and inequalities: old tropes and new practices”, in: Guillaume Vallet, Silvio Kappes, Louis-Philippe Rochon, Central Banking, Monetary Policy and Social Responsibility, Edward Elgar, 2022, pp.88-111.
“Should International Tax Competition be Regulated?” in: Conrad Heilmann & Julian Reiss (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Economics, Routledge, pp.494-503.
“The Ethics of Central Banking” (with François Claveau and Clément Fontan), in: Andrei Poama & Annabelle Lever (eds.), Routledge Handbook in Ethics and Public Policy, London: Routledge, 178-90.
“The state and tax competition – a normative perspective”, in: Martin O’Neill and Shepley Orr (eds.), Taxation – Philosophical Perspectives, Oxford University Press, 203-23.
“Normative dimensions of central banking – how the guardians of financial markets affect justice”, in: Lisa Herzog (ed.), Just Financial Markets, Oxford University Press, 231-49.
“The ethical aspects of international financial integration”, in: David Held & Pietro Maffetone (eds.), Global Political Theory, Cambridge: Polity Press, 236-53.
“G.A. Cohen, Karl Marx’s Theory of History – A Defence”, in: Jacob Levy (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Classics in Contemporary Political Theory, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
"Whose tax base – The ethics of global tax governance”, in: Peter Dietsch & Thomas Rixen, Global tax governance – What is wrong with it and how to fix it, ECPR Press, 231-51.
Edited books
Global tax governance – What is wrong with it and how to fix it (co-edited with Thomas Rixen), ECPR Press (paperback edition in 2017)
Reviews have been published in Journal of Development Studies, Political Studies Review, Review of International Political Economy and on the phdskat blog.
Thomas Heyd
“Covid-19 and climate change in the times of the Anthropocene”, Anthropocene Review.
“Pilgrimage journeying in Matsuo Bashō and Alexander von Humboldt”, Journal of World Philosophies, 4 (1).
“Engaging with Nature in Times of Rapid Environmental Change: Vulnerability, Sentience and Autonomy”, Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses, 27-40.
“Alexander von Humboldt and the unity of nature” (in Spanish, “Alexander von Humboldt y la unidad de la naturaleza”), HiN: International Review for Humboldt Studies, 18 (35).
“The Natural Contract in the Anthropocene” (with B. Guillaume), Environmental Ethics, Vol. 38 (2), 209-227.
Book chapters/Encyclopedia entries
“Aesthetics in Archaeology” in Smith, Claire et al. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, Springer: New York.
“Rock art in the landscape: John Clegg’s path”, in Jill Huntley and George Nash (eds.), Aesthetics, Applications, Artistry and Anarchy: Essays in Prehistoric and Contemporary Art, Oxford: Archaeopress, 25-34.
“Transculturation, Rock Art and Cross-Cultural Contact”, in George Nash and Aron Mazel (eds.), Narratives and Journeys in Rock Art: A Reader, Oxford: Archaeopress, 96-109.
“Bashō and the Aesthetics of Wandering: Recuperating Space, Recognizing Place, and Following the Ways of the Universe” (in Spanish: “Bashō y la estética del caminar: Por la recuperación del espacio, el reconocimiento de los lugares y el seguimiento de los caminos del universo”), in Lluís X. Álvarez and Luis Xavier López Farjeat (eds.), Belleza Multiple, Barcelona: Bellaterra.
“Rock Art and Aesthetics” in Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology and Anthropology of Rock Art, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
“The Natural Contract: Old World vs. New World Perspectives” in Manuel José Marrero Henríquez (ed.), Transatlantic Landscapes: Environmental Awareness, Literature, and the Arts, Alcalá de Henares, Spain: Instituto Franklin de Estudios Norteamericanos, Universidad de Alcalá.
“The sacred, the peopled land, and climate change”, in Michael Hankard and John Charlton (eds.), We Still Live Here: First Nations, the Alberta Oil Sands, and Surviving Globalism, Vernon, B.C.: J. Charlton Publishing, 171-191.
Eric Hochstein
“When No Laughing Matter is No Laughing Matter: The Challenges in Developing a Cognitive Theory of Humor”. The Philosophy of Humor Yearbook.
“Learning to Appreciate the Gray Areas: A Critical Notice of Anil Gupta’s “Conscious Experience”. Canadian Journal of Philosophy 50 (6): 801-813.
“How metaphysical commitments shape the study of psychological mechanisms”. Theory & Psychology 9 (5): 579-600.
“Why One Model is Never Enough: A Defense of Explanatory Holism”. Biology & Philosophy 32 (6): 1105-1125.
“When does ‘Folk Psychology’ Count as Folk Psychological?” The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 68 (4): 1125-1147.
“Categorizing the Mental”. The Philosophical Quarterly 66 (265): 745-759.
“Giving up on Convergence and Autonomy: Why the Theories of Psychology and Neuroscience are Codependent as well as Irreconcilable”. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 56: 135-144.
“One Mechanism, Many Models: A Distributed Theory of Mechanistic Explanation” (2016) Synthese 193 (5): 1387-1407.
Cindy Holder
“Whose Wrong Is It Anyway? Reflecting on the Public-ness of Public Apologies”, C4E Journal: Perspectives on Ethics.
Book chapters
“Human Rights Without Hierarchy: Why Theories of Global Justice Should Embrace the Indivisibility Principle” in Johnny Antonio Davilà, ed., Cuestiones de justicia global (Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia), pp. 125-150.
Edited volumes
Philosophical Studies: 2019 Pacific APA, 177:2.
“Review of Justice at a Distance: Extending Freedom Globally. Loren E. Lomasky and Fernando Tesón, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2015”, Ethics 127:3, 788-792.
“Transition, Trust and Partial Legality: On Colleen Murphy’s A Moral Theory of Political Reconciliation”, Criminal Law and Philosophy 10:1 (2016), 153-164.
Eike-Henner Kluge
Eike-Henner Kluge, Paulette Lacroix, Pekka Ruotsalainen. “Ethics Certification of Health Information Professionals,” Yearbook of Medical Informatics. 27(1): 37–40.
“Health Information Professionals in a Global eHealth World: Ethical and legal arguments for the international certification and accreditation of health information professionals.” International Journal of Medical Informatics. Jan; 97:261-265.
“The Health Information Professional in eHealth: Ethical Considerations for an Interjurisdictional Setting” Online Journal of Science and Technology, 6:2, 82-86.
Ethics for Health Informatics Professionals: The IMIA Code,its Meaning and Implications. International Medical Informatics Association.
The Electronic Health Record: Ethical Considerations. Academic press.
Book chapters
“Organ Donation and Retrieval: Whose Body Is It Anyway?” in Kuhse H, Schuklenk U and Singer P, eds. Bioethics: An Anthology (Wiley, 3rd edition) pp. 417-421. [alternative link]
Profile page
Thomas Land
“Spontaneity, Sensation, and the Myth of the Given”, forthcoming in J.-P. Narboux, Q. Kammer & H. Wagner (eds.), C.I. Lewis's Conceptual Pragmatism: the A Priori and the Given, New York: Routledge.
“Conceptualism and the Objection from Animals,” in Violetta L. Waibel, Margit Ruffing, David Wagner (eds.), Natur und Freiheit: Akten des XII. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 1269–76.
“Epistemic Agency and the Self-Knowledge of Reason: On the Contemporary Relevance of Kant’s Method of Faculty Analysis,” Synthese, early online.
“Moderate Conceptualism and Spatial Representation,” in Dennis Schulting (ed.), Kantian Nonconceptualism, Basingstroke/New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 145-170.
Edited volumes
Co-editor, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, special issue: Transparency and Apperception.
Colin Macleod
“Values for Foxes? A Comment on Kyle Johannsen’s A Conceptual Investigation of Justice," Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review.
“Paradoxes of Children’s Vulnerability," Ethics and Social Welfare.
“Equality and family values: conflict or harmony?”, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.
"Mark Bevir’s A Theory of Governance from the Vantage of Political Philosophy”, International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior.
“Just Schools and Good Childhoods: Non-preparatory Dimensions of Educational Justice," Journal of Applied Philosophy.
Philosophical Perspectives on Moral and Civic Education: Shaping Citizens and Their Schools (co-edited with Christine Tappolet) Routledge.
Have A Little Faith: Religion, Democracy and the American Public School (co-written with Ben Justice), University of Chicago Press, 2016.
Book chapters
“Introduction” (co-written with Christine Tappolet) in Philosophical Perspectives on Moral and Civic Education: Shaping Citizens and Their Schools.
“The Good Parent” in Routledge Handbook on the Philosophy of Childhood and Children.
“Are Children’s Rights Important?” in Philosophical Foundations of Children’s and Family Law.
“Distributive Justice and the Family” in The Oxford Handbook of Distributive Justice.
“Democratic Deliberation and Electoral Reform” in Should We Change How We Vote: Evaluating Canada’s Electoral System.
“Doctrinal Vulnerability and the Authority of Children’s Voices” in Vulnerability, Autonomy and Applied Ethics.
“Fundamentally Incompetent: Homophobia, Religion, and the Right to Parent” (co-authored with Samantha Brennan) in Procreation, Parenthood, and Educational Rights.
“Constructing Children’s Rights” in Justice, Education and the Politics of Childhood.
Book reviews and critical replies
“Review of A Companion to John Dewey’s Democracy and Education by D.C. Phillips," Teachers College Record (October).
“On Living Well Now and in the Future," Theory and Research in Education.
“Critical response to Gottfried Schweiger and Gunter Graf’s A Philosophical Examination of Social Justice and Child Poverty”, Ethical Perspectives.
Encyclopedia entries
“Reciproctié, avantage mutual et impartialité” in Dictionnaire des inégalités et de la justice sociale.
“Concepts As Tools for Pro-active Deterrence”, Department of National Defence Co-authored with Keith Culver, Michael Giudice.
Profile page
Michael Raven
“Physicalism and its Challenges in Social Ontology” in S. Collins, B. Epstein, S. Haslanger & H. B. Schmid (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Social Ontology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
“A Puzzle for Social Essences”, Journal of the American Philosophical Association.
“A Problem for Immanent Universals in States of Affairs”, American Philosophical Quarterly.
“Explaining Essences”, Philosophical Studies.
“Is Logic Out of this World?”, The Journal of Philosophy 117.10: 557-577.
“Hylomorphism without Forms? A Critical Notice of Simon Evnine’s Making Objects and Events,” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 49.5: 652-669.
“New Work for a Theory of Ground”, Inquiry 60.6: 625-655.
“Fundamentality without Foundations”, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 93.3: 607-626.
Book chapters
“Introduction” in M. Raven (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Metaphysical Grounding. New York: Routledge (2020).
“(Re)discovering Ground” in K. Becker & I. D. Thomson (eds.), Cambridge History of Philosophy, 1945 to 2015. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
“Against the Semantic Orientation towards Aesthetic Judgements” in J. Young (ed.), Semantics of Aesthetic Judgement. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Edited books
The Routledge Handbook of Essence. w/ K. Koslicki. New York: Routledge.
The Routledge Handbook of Metaphysical Grounding. New York: Routledge.
Other (encylopedia entries, lab reports)
“Kit Fine”, The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
“The Essential Glossary of Ground”, w/K. Fine, in M. Raven (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Metaphysical Grounding. New York: Routledge.
“Metaphysical Grounding”, in D. Pritchard (ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
T. Sattig, The Double Lives of Objects: Philosophical Review 127.1: 140-144.
Patrick Rysiew
"Knowledge Attributions and the Social," in Oxford Handbook of Social Epistemology, edited by Jennifer Lackey and Aidan McGlynn (Oxford University Press).
"Reid on Memory and Testimony" (with Rebecca Copenhaver), in Memory and Testimony, edited by Stephen Wright and Sanford Goldberg (Oxford University Press).
"Common Sense in Reid's Response to Scepticism," Review Philosophique - special issue on Common Sense, edited by Angelique Thébert.
"Assertion of Knowledge," in Oxford Handbook of Assertion, edited by Sanford Goldberg (Oxford University Press).
"First Principles as General, First Principle 7 as Special," Analytic Philosophy - symposium on James Van Cleve's Problems from Reid (Oxford University Press, 2015), Vol. 59, No. 4. 527-538.
"The Gettier Problem and the Program of Analysis," in The Gettier Problem, edited by Stephen Hetherington (Cambridge University Press, 2018), pp. 159-176.
"Factivity and Evidence," in The Factive Turn, edited by Veli Mitova (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2018), pp. 50-65.
"Meaning, Communication, and the Mental," Protosociology - special issue on Meaning and Publicity, edited by Richard Manning, Vol. 34: 31-43.
"Judgment and Practice in Reid and Wittgenstein," European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy - special issue on Pragmatism and Common Sense, edited by Gabriele Gava and Roberto Gronda, Vol. IX, No. 2.
"Veritism, Values, Epistemic Norms," Philosophical Topics, Vol. 45, No. 1: 181-203.
"'Knowledge' and Pragmatics," in The Routledge Handbook of Epistemic Contextualism, edited by Jonathan Jenkins Ichikawa (New York: Routledge), pp. 205-217.
Encyclopedia entries
"Naturalism in Epistemology,” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (first appeared January 2016; last substantive revision, March 2020).
"Epistemic Contextualism," in Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory. Springer.
"Thomas Reid (1710-1796)," Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Taylor and Francis, 2018.
Profile page
David Scott
“From the Appearance to the Reality of Excessive Suffering: Theodicy and Bruce Russell’s ‘Matrix’ Example,” Sophia 59, pp. 1-19.
"C. A. Campbell and the Reprise of Cartesian Subjectivity," Idealistic Studies 51: 3, pp. 189-210.
“Descartes’s ‘Considerable List’: A Small but Important Passage in his Philosophy,” International Philosophical Quarterly 57 (2017), pp. 381-399.
“On the Crassness of Leibniz’s Metaphysics,” The Review of Metaphysics 70 (2016), pp. 311-337.
Profile page
Katie Stockdale
Hope Under Oppression, Oxford University Press.
Available as an audiobook on Audible.ca. Reviews: Mind; Notre Dame Philosophical Review
"Despair" with Michael Milona in Ergo
"Resentment and Self-Respect." In The Moral Psychology of Resentment ed. Antti Kauppinen and Max Lewis. Rowman & Littlefield.
"A Feminist Perspective on Hope." In The Oxford Compendium of Hope, ed. Anthony Scioli and Steven van den Heuvel. Oxford University Press.
Peer-Reviewed Articles & Book Chapters
"(Why) Do We Need a Theory of Affective Injustice?" in Philosophical Topics 51, 1: 113-134.
"Weapon and Shield: Apologies and the Duty to be Vulnerable" with Barrett Emerick and Audrey Yap in Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 9, 3: 1-21
"How Can Hope Be Rational in the Context of Global Poverty?" in Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 26, 337: 425-430.
"Collective Forgiveness" in The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy and Psychology of Forgiveness, ed. Robert Enright and Glen Pettigrove. Routledge.
"Moral Shock" Journal of the American Philosophical Association 8, 3: 496-511.
"Controlling Hope" with Michael Milona in Ratio 34, 4: 345-354.
"Hope, Solidarity, and Justice" in Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 7, 2: 1-23.
“Emotional Hope" in The Moral Psychology of Hope, ed. Claudia Blöser and Titus Stahl. Rowman and Littlefield.
"Social and Political Dimensions of Hope" in Journal of Social Philosophy 50, 1: 28-44.
“A Perceptual Theory of Hope” with Michael Milona in Ergo 5, 8: 203-222.
“Losing Hope: Injustice and Moral Bitterness” in Hypatia 32, 2: 363-379.
“Whither Bioethics Now? The Promise of Relational Theory” with Susan Sherwin inInternational Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 10, 1: 7-29.
“Collective Resentment” in Social Theory and Practice 39: 501-521.
Book Reviews & Comments:
2024. Comments on Darrel Moellendorf's Mobilizing Hope: Climate Change and Global Poverty. New York: Oxford University Press. In Environmental Ethics 46, 2: 199-204. (Part of Author Meets Critics symposium.)
2015. Shannon Sullivan’s Good White People: The Problem with Middle-Class White Anti-Racism. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2014. In Hypatia Reviews Online.
- John Deigh’s On Emotions: Philosophical Essays. New York: Oxford University Press. In Ethics Vol. 125, 2: 576-581.
Scott Woodcock
“Would a Viable Consent App Create Headaches for Consequentialists?” Philosophy 99: 73-98.
“If Epistemic Partialism is True, Don’t Tell Your Friends” Analysis 83: 566–575.
“It’s a Fine Line between Sadism and Horror” Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy 25: 212-226.
“Virtue Ethics Must be Self-Effacing to be Normatively Significant” The Journal of Value Inquiry, 56: 451-468.
“Aristotelian Naturalism vs. Mutants, Aliens and the Great Red Dragon” American Philosophical Quarterly 55: 313-328.
“Earthquakes, People-Seeds and a Cabin in the Woods” Journal of Social Philosophy 48: 71-91.
“When Will a Consequentialist Push You in Front of a Trolley?” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 95: 299-316.
Book chapters
2023 “Consequentialist Approaches to Ethical Judgment of Artworks,” in James Harrold (ed.) Oxford Handbook of Ethics and Art (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
Audrey Yap
“Argumentation, Adversariality and Social Norms,” in Metaphilosophy.
“Hidden Costs of Inquiry: Exploitation, World-Travelling and Marginalized Lives,” in Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal.
“Misogyny and Dehumanization” in APA Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy 18 (2): 18-22.
"Credibility Excess and the Social Imaginary in Cases of Sexual Assault", Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 3(4).
“Dedekind and Cassirer on Mathematical Concept Formation“, Philosophia Mathematica 25(3): 369-389.
“The History of Algebra’s Impact on the Philosophy of Mathematics,” in Sandra Lapointe and Chris Pincock (Eds.) Innovations in the History of Analytical Philosophy (p. 333-358): Palgrave Macmillan.
“(Hip) Throwing Like a Girl: Martial Arts and Norms of Feminine Body Comportment“, International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 9(2): 92-114.
“Feminist Radical Empiricism, Values, and Evidence“, Hypatia 31(1): 58-73.
Book chapters
“Conceptualizing Consent: Hermeneutical Injustice and Epistemic Resources,” in Benjamin Sherman and Stacey Goguen (Eds.) Overcoming Epistemic Injustice: Social and Psychological Perspectives. Rowman & Littlefield.
“Noether as Mathematical Structuralist”, in Erich Reck and Georg Schiemer (Eds.) The Prehistory of Mathematical Structuralism. Oxford University Press.
“Stereotype Threat and the Female Athlete: Swimming, Surfing, and Sport Martial Arts,” with Michele Merritt, Cassie Comley, and Caren Diehl, in Massimiliano Cappuccio, (Ed.) Handbook of Embodied Cognition and Sport Psychology.
Profile page
James Young
“The Value of Genuine Things.” Studi di Estetica.
“Kant on Form or Design.” Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism.
“Kant’s Musical Anti-formalism.” Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. 78, 171-81.
“Cultural Appropriation and Arts Management.” Arts Management Quarterly. No. 132, 12-18.
“Literary Fiction and the Cultivation of Virtue.” Croatian Journal of Philosophy. 19, 315-30.
Reprinted, Narrative Art, Knowledge and Ethics. Iris Vidmar Jovanović. Rijeka: University of Rijeka, 87-107.
“Philosophical Theories of Truth and Nursing: Exploring the Tensions.” Nursing Science Quarterly. 32, 43-48. (Co-authors: Deborah Sally Thoun, Megan Kirk and Esther Sangster-Gormley).
“Empiricism and the Ontology of Jazz.” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia. 74, 1255-66.
“Jean-Baptiste Du Bos’ Critical Reflections on Poetry and Painting and Hume’s Treatise.” British Journal of Aesthetics. 58, 119-30. (Co-author: Margaret Cameron).
“The Buck Stopping Theory of Art.” Symposion, 3, 421-33.
“How Classical Music is Better than Popular Music.” Philosophy, 91, 523-40.
History of Western Philosophy of Music. Cambridge University Press.
Radically Rethinking Copyright in the Arts. New York and London: Routledge.
Filosofía de la Música. Respuestas a Peter Kivy. Logroño: Calanda.
Edited volumes
The Semantics of Aesthetic Judgements. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Jean-Baptiste Du Bos: Critical Reflections on Poetry and Painting. Translated with an Introduction and Notes. Forthcoming from Brill. (Co-translator and co-author: Margaret Cameron)
Profile page