Dr. Cindy Holder
BA (McGill), MA (Dalhousie), PhD (University of Arizona)
Area of expertise
Philosophy of law, human rights, social and political philosophy, transitional justice, international law, history of political thought
Cindy previously taught at the University of Arizona and she joined this department in 2001.
For a detailed list of Cindy's recent publications, please see our "What We're Writing" page.
Selected publications
edited: Philosophical Studies: 2019 Pacific APA, 177:2 (February). https://link.springer.com/journal/11098/177/2
“Human Rights Without Hierarchy: Why Theories of Global Justice Should Embrace the Indivisibility Principle” in Johnny Antonio Davilà, ed., Cuestiones de justicia global (Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia), pp. 125-150. (https://editorial.tirant.com/co/libro/cuestiones-de-justicia-global-johnny-antonio-davila-9788413369389?busqueda=justicia+global& )
“Whose Wrong Is It Anyway? Reflecting on the Public-ness of Public Apologies”, C4E Journal: Perspectives on Ethics, 2017 https://c4ejournal.net/2017/11/03/cindy-holder-whose-wrong-is-it-anyway-on-the-public-ness-of-public-apologies-2017-c4ej-8/
“Review of Justice at a Distance: Extending Freedom Globally. Loren E. Lomasky and Fernando Tesón, Cambridge University Press, New York, Ethics 127:3, 788-792.
“Transition, Trust and Partial Legality: On Colleen Murphy’s A Moral Theory of Political Reconciliation”, Criminal Law and Philosophy 10:1, 153-164 http://link.springer.com/journal/11572/10/1/page/1
“Review of Justice and Foreign Policy, Michael Blake, Oxford University Press: Oxford, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews https://ndpr.nd.edu/news/58411-ustice-and-foreign-policy/
“Reasoning Like a State: Integration and the Limits of State Regret” in Mihaela Mihai and Mathias Thaler, eds. On the Uses and Abuses of Political Apologies (Palgrave Macmillan), pp. 203-219.
co-edited with David Reidy: Human Rights: The Hard Questions (Cambridge University Press)
“Truthfulness and Transition” in Larry May and Elizabeth Edenberg, eds., Jus Post Bellum and Transitional Justice (Cambridge University Press), pp. 244-261.
“Global Justice Beyond Distribution: Poverty and Natural Resources”, Public Affairs Quarterly 26:1 (January 2012), 33-44.
“Justice, Cosmopolitanism and Policy Prescription in Gillian Brock’s Global Justice ”, Diametros : An Online Journal of Philosophy, http://www.diametros.iphils.uj.edu.pl/?l=2&p=anr100&m=101 .
“Devolving Power to Sub-State Groups: Some Worries about the Worries”, The Monist 95:1 (January), 87-103.
“Justification” in Philosophy and Politics. Methods, Tools, Topics, Antonella Besussi, ed. (2012).
“Democratic Authority from the Outside Looking In: States, Common Worlds and Wrongful Connections”, Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 5:3, www.jesp.org/symposia.php.
“Indigenous Rights to Land” in Encyclopedia of Global Justice, Deen Chatterjee, ed. (Springer), 534-538.
“Comments on Robert Card’s “Gender, Justice Within the Family, and the Commitments of Liberalism” in Sex, Love, and Friendship, pp. 211-216.