Dr. Patrick Hayes

Dr. Patrick Hayes
Postdoc 2022-2024
Office: DTB B225

BA (TCD), M.Phil (TCD), PhD (TCD)

Area of expertise

Environmental History; Marine Environmental History; Social, Economic and Cultural History of Early Modern Europe; Digital Humanities; Food History.


I am a marine environmental historian who studies the state of past oceans and our relationship with them. My teaching centers on the application of digital methods and GIS to the study of history and world environmental history more broadly. My current research is focused on applying digital methods to the study of historical fisheries in British Columbia with the aim of helping to restore sustainable and equitable fisheries in the province. I completed my PhD at Trinity College Dublin in 2020 and have since worked on two major European Research Council projects focused on marine environmental history; the NorFish project and the 4-Oceans project. My first book examined the history of Ireland's marine fisheries from 1400 to 1600 and showed how a combination of conflict, colonisation and climate change damaged the industry's long-term sustainability. 


Patrick Hayes, Ireland’s Sea Fisheries, 1400-1600: Economics and Environment (Boydell & Brewer, In Press).


Poul Holm, Patrick Hayes, and John Nicholls, “Comment on ‘Five Centuries of Cod Catches in Eastern Canada,” ICES Journal of Marine Science, 79, no. 5 (2022)

Poul Holm, John Nicholls, Patrick Hayes, Josh Ivinson, and Bernard Allaire, “Accelerated Extractions of North Atlantic Cod and Herring, 1520-1790,” Fish and Fisheries 23, no. 1. (2022).

Charles Travis, Francis Ludlow, Al Matthews, Kevin Lougheed, Kieran Rankin, Bernard Allaire, Robert Legg, Patrick Hayes, et al. "Inventing the Grand Banks: A Deep Chart," Geo: Geography and Environment 7, no. 1 (2020).

Nina Vieira, Patrick Hayes, and Al Matthews, "Facing Changes, Changing Targets: Sperm-Whale Hunting in Late Eighteenth-Century Brazil," Environment & Society Portal, Arcadia 44 (2019).

Patrick Hayes, Al Matthews, Bernard Allaire, and Poul Holm, "European Naval Diets in the Sixteenth Century: A Quantitative Method for Comparative and Nutritional Analysis," Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History 52, no. 4 (2019): 1-18.

Poul Holm, Francis Ludlow, Cordula Scherer, Charles Travis, Bernard Allaire, Cristina Brito, Patrick Hayes, et al. "The North Atlantic Fish Revolution (ca. AD 1500)," Quaternary Research (2019): 1-15.