Interior planning and logistics
General information
- We strive for a barrier-free campus. The interior team will integrate accessibility into our space planning.
- You'll find ergonomics information on the Occupational Health, Safety and Environment site.
- All our product manufacturers/suppliers are certified by industry-recognized third party bodies. They offer high degrees of sustainability, raw material sourcing, product manufacturing and administrative processes. We evaluate each supplier to ensure we're getting the best value products with the highest levels of sustainability available in the industry.
Product safety
- All our furniture, flooring and window covering manufacturers/suppliers are producing products that are safe for the intended usage with low to zero volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Research and development is ongoing and expressed in the quality of products we acquire.
Contract management
- The interiors team manage all contracts associated with our work on your behalf. We track warranties and ensure we're receiving goods and services that meet the terms and conditions of our contracts.
- The interiors team manage all procurement on your behalf. We receive quotes, place orders, track shipments, organize installations and follow up with any concerns.
Product warranty
- All furniture products come with a new warranty of 10 years, which covers parts and labour on normal wear and tear.
Whiteboard Care and Maintenace
Non-standard furniture purchases - caution!
- The university has contracts in place for the supply and installation of furniture, flooring and window coverings. All our contracts are awarded after a competitive procurement process and must be honored for the term of the contract.
- Non-standard and/or P-Card and C-Card purchases for furniture, window coverings and flooring will not be reimbursed by the university. Non-standard products will be removed at the owner's expense.
Staff and faculty purchases from UVic contracts
- Staff and faculty have access to the university's contract pricing.
Who can use this service?
- Faculty
- Staff