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Orange Shirt Day 2022: Resurgence

The theme of this year's event is resurgence. Resurgence means to reclaim, regenerate and reconnect one’s relationship with Indigenous homelands, culture and community.

Resurgence is a process rooted in the articulation and exercise of the inherent and inalienable rights of Indigenous peoples to be Indigenous in these lands, to practice self-determination and to enjoy all rights enshrined in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. 

Everyday acts of resurgence

Everyday acts of resurgence may include: 

For Indigenous Peoples

  • embracing a daily existence conditioned by place-based cultural practices connecting to the land
  • growing traditional foods
  • speaking your language
  • taking care of yourself mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically
  • honouring your ancestors
  • decolonizing spaces
  • the transmission of Indigenous culture, spiritual teachings and knowledge of the land between Elders and youth

For settlers and allies

  • recognizing and affirming that the inherent rights of Indigenous peoples are now enshrined in law both provincially and federally
  • deconstructing and eliminating all barriers preventing the full exercise and enjoyment of these rights
  • decolonizing one’s own mind and practices, including refuting concepts such as the doctrine of discovery and longstanding notions of western cultural and religious superiority
  • making space for Indigenous peoples
  • better understanding of how violent colonization occurred and being cautious, aware and watchful of the ongoing presence of these ideas in our current society, institutions, laws and policies