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Curriculum and Instruction


Name Area Contact
Associate Professor, Additional Language Learning
TESOL/Applied linguistics, Language socialization, English for academic purposes, Second language writing, Internationalization of higher education, Chinese as an additional language, Case study as a research method
Office: MacLaurin A524
Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Education
Global Citizenship Education, Climate Education, Anticipatory Futures, Efforts of Decolonization, Global Justice, Comparative Education, Modernity/Coloniality, International Development Education, Indigenous and Community Engagement, Settler Responsibilities
Office: MacLaurin A243
Associate Professor, Mathematics Education
Secondary mathematics methodologies, elementary mathematics methodologies, mathematics curriculum, assessment as/for/of learning in mathematics,
development and use of iOS apps for learning mathematics
Office: MacLaurin A527
Professor, Social Studies & Curriculum Studies
Curriculum theory, arts-based research, aesthetics and knowing, social studies and geography education, notions of identity and place, poststructural perspectives, poetic representation in writing and research
Office: MacLaurin A558
Assistant Professor, Educational Technology
Educational Technology, Technology Integrated Learning, Digital Literacy, Networked and Open Learning, Open Education, Distributed online, blended, and multi-access learning, Learning Theories, Theories of Technology Adoption and Educational Change, Learning Design, Inquiry-based Learning, Assessment, Accessitiliby, K-12 and Higher Education, Teacher Education
Office: MacLaurin A568
Assistant Professor,
Art Education

Art practices as research, Artistic inquiry as a way of knowing, thinking and learning, Visual & artistic inquiry in art teacher education, The relationality of places and spaces, Identity exploration in/through art, Participatory and socially engaged art practices

MacLaurin A197
Professor, Philosophical Foundations, and Associate Fellow, Centre for Studies in Religion and Society
Philosophy of Education, Moral Education, Dissent and Minority Rights, Independent and Separate Schools, Catholic Education, Religion/Spirituality in Schools

MacLaurin A556
Associate Professor in Science Education and Research Methodologies
Department Chair
Science Education, Classroom assessment, Teacher Education
Office: MacLaurin A549
Assistant Professor, Educational Technology
Technology integrated learning design, Digital literacies of educators, Open education resources and practices, Knowledge management, Innovation in education, Emerging technologies to support research
Office: MacLaurin A563
Professor, Language & Literacies
Children's and Young Adult Literature, Literature-based Language and Literacy Pedagogies, Language and Literacies Education, Multimodal Literacies, Visual Literacy
Office: MacLaurin A364
Associate Professor, Mathematics Education
Mathematics education, applications of technology in education, assessment, and development of educational apps.
Office: MacLaurin A528
Professor, Drama Education

Drama/Theatre education, Curriculum studies, (K-12 & Postsecondary), Applied Drama/Theatre (community-based practice), Curriculum Studies/Theory/Philosophy, Performance Theory/Performance Studies, Arts-based qualitative research methods (performative and poetic inquiry)

Office: MacLaurin A523
Associate Professor, Music Education
Music education, Rural education, Indigenizing music education, Sociology of music education, Diversity in education, Culturally responsive pedagogy, School-community music education partnerships, Place-based/conscious education, Social capital, Praxialist and pragmatist music education philosophies, Qualitative and Indigenous methodologies and methods
Office: MacLaurin A564
Associate Professor, Social Studies
On Leave.
Teacher & educational leadership preparation, Indigenous/countercultural education, Education for ecological restoration, Education for the advancement of human rights and happiness, Educational policy and governance, Peace education, Governance simulations and youth leadership
Office: MacLaurin A561
Associate Professor, Historical Foundations
On Leave.

Social and Historical Foundations of Education in British Columbia, Aboriginal/ Indigenous Education, Multicultural/ Anti-Racist Education, Education Policy Studies, First Nations and Minority Education, Educational Reform

Office: MacLaurin A365
Assistant Professor, Art Education

Narrative-based and arts-based identity research, Museum education, Community art education, Critical Race Theory in art education, Critical multicultural art education, Life History Research methodology, Socially engaged art

Office: MacLaurin A196
Professor, Social Studies
Teacher preparation elementary, Aboriginal education, Curriculum studies, Educational change and innovation, Technology in education, Participatory research
Office: MacLaurin A532
Professor, Language & Literacy
Teacher education, Gender and pedagogy, Multiliteracies, Digital portfolios, Assessment for learning, Feminist adult education, Community-based education, Qualitative research methodologies
Office: MacLaurin A526
Assistant Professor, Art Education

Art Education, Studio practices, Painting, Arts-based research, Artistic inquiry, Elementary Teacher Education

Office: MacLaurin A199
Adult and Higher Education, International and Comparative Education, Literacy, Research Methods
Office: MacLaurin A567
Associate Professor, Language & Literacy, Early Childhood Education

Early Childhood Education, Literacy & Multimodality, Family & Community Literacies, International Education, Outdoor & Environmental Education, Indigenous Knowledge

Office: MacLaurin A559
Associate Professor, Mathematics Education & Curriculum Studies
Mathematics education and curriculum studies; Theories of cognition and mathematical understanding; Collective learning; Spatial, numeric and geometric reasoning; Ecological, (em)bodied and culturally responsive forms of teaching, learning, and research
Office: MacLaurin A530
Associate Professor, Language & Literacy
Elementary and Middle School Langauge & Literacies, Instructional practices for reluctant and struggling literacy learners, Differentiated instruction and personalized approaches to literacy-rich curriculum
Office: MacLaurin A557
Assistant Professor, Art Education
Design education, Assessment in art, Creativity development, Design thinking, Empathy in art
Office: MacLaurin A198

Indigenous Education

Associate Professor
Indigenous Education
Indigenous education, Diversity a social justice, Second language acquisition, Indigenous early childhood education, Teacher education, Arts-based and place-based education, Formal and non-formal education, Community-engaged scholarship.
Office: MacLaurin A270
Assistant Professor
Indigenous Education
Indigenous education, Indigenous worldviews, online learning, Indigenous research, teacher education, Indigenous knowledge, Indigenous pedagogy, Indigenous student success
Office: MacLaurin A261
Indigenous Education
language reclamation, digital dictionary construction, expanding community-based research methodology in language reclamation
Office: MacLaurin
Indigenous Education
The NEȾOLṈEW̱: ‘one mind, one people’ project aims to deepen the understanding of best practices of adult Indigenous language learning (AILL), how adult Indigenous learners contribute to passing on their language to others in their communities and families, in addition to how language is linked to health and well-being.
Office: MacLaurin A354
Professor and Chair
Indigenous Education
Indigenous education, Indigenous worldviews, online learning, Indigenous research, teacher education, Indigenous knowledge, Indigenous pedagogy, Indigenous student success
Associate Professor
Indigenous Education
Indigenous language revitalization; Indigenous languages and health and wellbeing; Indigenous research methodologies; Indigenous based curriculum and pedagogy; decolonizing and Indigenizing teacher education.
Office: MAC A259

Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education

Assistant Professor
Gender inclusive physical activity, recreational physical activity, health promotion
Office: MCK 134
Emeritus Professor
Exercise physiology; pediatric sport performance; women and exercise; health benefits of exercise in cancer patients; occupational physiology; fitness and testing
Girl-friendly physical education; team building in physical education; authentic assessment in physical educations
Office: MCK 131
Outdoor recreation, Adventure education, Experiential group facilitation, Eco-health & wellness initiatives, Leadership, Outdoor risky play
Office: MCK 195b
Professor; Physical Education Teacher Education programs leader
School integrated teaching education; teacher games for understanding and electronic portfolios; action research and qualitative research genres; social constructivism and complexity theories
Office: MCK 127
Associate professor; Director
Neural control of human movement and motor rehabilitation with aging and after injury and disease (e.g., stroke or Parkinson’s disease); neural control of balance during walking and coordination of limbs and trunk during rhythmic movement; assistive devices and technologies related to mobility and mobility measurement
Office: MCK 122
Assistant Professor
School of Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education
Neurophysiology; perception and how it affects movement and function; sensory feedback in neurological conditions (in particular stroke and multiple sclerosis) and in healthy populations; pain perception and its physiological and behavioural drivers.
Office: McK 124
Associate professor
Biomechanics and motor control of human movement in sport; exercise and rehabilitation
Office: MCK 135
Neuroeconomics, learning, decision-making, motor learning and control
Office: MCK 187
Assistant Teaching Professor; Kinesiology program leader
Effects of exercise on health and disease outcomes in cancer patients; exercise assessment and prescription; clinical exercise physiology
Office: MCK 135
Associate professor
Teacher wellness; college and university student health and wellness; worklife balance; leadership
Office: MCK 126
Associate Professor
Chronic disease prevention and management; eHealth/mHealth; big data and health surveillance; physical activity; health promotion
Office: MCK 192
Assistant professor; Recreation and Health Education Program Leader
Management, marketing, and service quality; understanding human relationships and the attachment to people, places and activities in a health, leisure, sport or community context
Office: MCK 0024D
Emeritus Professor and Scientist
Socio-ecological and setting-based approaches to health promotion; obesity and chronic disease prevention; dissemination, knowledge translation/exchange; implementation and organizational capacity
Professor; Graduate advisor
Psychology of physical activity and sedentary behaviour; health promotion during life transitions (e.g., early-stage family development, retirement); application of technology to health behaviour change; bridging the intention-behaviour gap; the role of affect in health behaviour; self-regulation of behaviour; physical activity habit and identity formation.
Office: MCK 189
Associate Professor
Exercise and environmental mechanisms that influence cerebral and cardiovascular health.
Office: MCK 130
Associate Professor
Exercise hematology and immunology; occupational physiology; development of pre-employment physical abilities tests; children and exercise; exercise prescription
Office: MCK 132
Physical activity among individuals with special needs and young children; motor skills
Office: MCK 133
Indigenous community health and development with a focus on the social and cultural determinants associated with resilience, sport, leisure, education, wellbeing and healing.
Office: MCK 188
Neural control of rhythmic human movement; co-ordination of the arms and legs during locomotion; neuromuscular plasticity and motor recovery after stroke
Office: MCK 191

Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies

Assistant Teaching Professor and Graduate Advisor
Educational Psychology
Assistant Professor
Counselling Psychology
On leave
Office: MacLaurin A457
Professor and Graduate Advisor
Leadership Studies
Office: MacLaurin A455
Assistant Professor
Leadership Studies
Office: MacLaurin A466
Associate Professor
Leadership Studies
Office: MacLaurin A470
Educational Psychology (Learning, Development, and Instructional Sciences)
Office: MacLaurin A461
Associate Professor
Educational Psychology (Special Education)
Office: MAC A464
Associate Professor
Educational Psychology, Counselling Psychology
Educational Psychology
Office: MacLaurin A459
Assistant Professor
Educational Psychology (Learning, Development, and Instructional Sciences)
On leave
Office: MacLaurin A468
Associate Professor and Associate Dean Graduate Programs and Research
Leadership Studies
Office: MacLaurin A243
Assistant Professor
Educational Psychology (Learning, Development and Instructional Sciences)
Office: MacLaurin A463
Assistant Professor
Counselling Psychology
Office: MacLaurin A454
Educational Psychology (Special Education)
Office: MacLaurin A357
Professor and Chair of EPLS
Educational Psychology (Special Education)
Assistant Professor
Counselling Psychology
Office: MacLaurin A458