Dr. Natasha Reid

PhD (Art Education) Concordia University, MA (Art Education) Concordia University, Hon. BA (Art History), University of Toronto
Area of expertise
Community art education, Visual inquiry as research, Studio art practices, K-12 art education, Canadian or Indigenous art
- Narrative-based and arts-based identity research
- Museum education
- Community art education
- Critical Race Theory in art education
- Critical multicultural art education
- Life History Research methodology
- Socially engaged art
- Social justice art education
- Community art education
- Social justice art education
- Studio art practices
- Contemporary art practices
- Art education in K-12 and higher education
- Visual Inquiry
Reid, N. S. (2024). Embracing between: An exploration of a biracial art educator identity. In S. Willis, R. Shin, & A. Richards (Eds.), The intersectionality of critical identities in art education (pp. 272–283). International Society for Education Through Art. https://www.insea.org/insea-publications-2-2/
Reid, N. S. (2024). Gift economy in art museum education: Imagining a giving museum. The International Journal of the Inclusive Museum, 17(2), 193–215. https://doi.org/10.18848/1835-2014/CGP/v17i02/193-215
Reid, N. S. (2023). The gallery art hive as a metaphor for equity, diversity, and inclusion initiatives. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 24(1), 1–15. http://www.ijea.org/v24si1/v24si1.10/v24si1.10.pdf
Reid, N. S. (2023). The Gallery art hive as a metaphor for equity, diversity, and inclusion initiatives. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 42(1), 1-15. http://www.ijea.org/v24si1/v24si1.10/
Reid, N. S. (2021). Gallery as third space: Making a safer site for engaging with difficult knowledges. Canadian Art Teacher, 17(2), 13-23. https://csea-scea.ca/3d-flip-book/canadian-art-teacher-vol-17-no-2-2021/.
Reid, N. S. (2019). Developing a Collective Learning Arts Space: Implications for Art Educators in Diverse Settings. In E. Garber, L. Hochtritt, & M. Sharma (Eds.), Makers, crafters, educators: Working for cultural change. (p. 49).New York, NY: Routledge.
Reid , N. S., Derby, J., & Cheng, T. (2019). Investigating multiracial identities through visual culture: Disrupting the white supremacist norm in art education. In A. M. Kraehe, R. Gaztambide-Fernández, & B. S. Carpenter (Eds.). Palgrave Handbook on Race and the Arts in Education. (pp. 489-502). New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
Reid, N. S., & Chambers, P. (2018). Coming into our own: An arts-based collaborative self-study of the first semester. In A. Kemp (Ed.). Dignity of the calling: Educators share the beginnings of their journeys. (pp. 333-337). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Press.
Reid, N. S. (2018). Textures of identity: A social justice program for teachers in a museum. In D. Kletchka & S. B. Carpenter (Eds.). Professional development in art museums: Strategies of engagement through contemporary art (pp. 118-128). Reston, VA: National Art Education Association.
Reid, N. S., Cinquemani, S., & Farrar, C. (2017). Kids know about art: Amplifying underrepresented voices in art museums through mentorship. Journal of Visual Inquiry: Learning and Teaching Art, 5(3), 379-392.
Reid, N. S. (2016). The university museum and institutional critique: A platform for contemporary practices. The International Journal of the Inclusive Museum, 9(4), 1-15.
Reid, N. S. (2014). Getting there: Exploring art museum educators’ paths to the profession. Visual Arts Research, 40(2), 111-118.
Reid, N. S. (2014). Multicultural art education through & with contemporary art: Positioning the contemporary art museum as a leader in generating positive change. Muséologies: Les cahiers d’études supérieures, 7(1), 81-101.
Reid, N. S. (2014). Personal perspectives on multiculturalism: Narratives from art museum educators of color. In. J.B. Acuff, & L. Evans (Eds.). Multiculturalism in art museums today. (pp. 19-35). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Reid, N. S. (2013). Carving a strong identity: Investigating the life histories of museum educators, Journal of Museum Education, 38(2), 1-12.
Reid, N. S. (2012). Infusing visitors’ artwork into gallery spaces: Expanding possibilities & developing relationships. Canadian Art Teacher, 1(11), 20-33.
Reid, N. S. (2012). Inclusive art gallery practices: Exploring collaborative processes in outreach community programming. Canadian Review of Art Education, 38, 68-82.
Various artists. (2024, August–September). Palimpsest: the not~so~blank slate, Metchosin ArtPod, Metchosin, BC. [juried group]
Various artists. (2024, July). Wanton everything bagel, Ministry of Casual Living, Victoria, BC. [juried group]
Faculty Members from the Art Education Program. (2024, July). Regeneration: UVic Art education faculty exhibition, A. Wilfrid Johns Gallery, University of Victoria, BC. [group]
Faculty Members from the Art Education Program. (2023, June). Curiosities and wonder: UVic Art education faculty exhibition, A. Wilfrid Johns Gallery, University of Victoria, BC. [group]
Boileau, C., & Reid, N. S. (2023, March) playing WITH – playing OUT, arc.hive, Victoria, BC. [duo]
Boileau, C., & Reid, N. S. (2023, July–August) playing WITH – playing OUT, BC Ministry of Education Gallery, Victoria, BC. [duo]
Boileau, C., & Reid, N. S. (2023, November) playing WITH – playing OUT, A. Wilfrid Johns Gallery, Victoria, BC. [duo]
Faculty Members from the Art Education Program. (2022, April–June). Breaking the mold: UVic art education faculty exhibition, Downtown Legacy Art Gallery, University of Victoria, BC. [group]
Exhibitions developed as the Director of the McClure Gallery, 2017-2021
In/Visible: Body as Reflective Site (Curators: Lori Beavis, Maria Ezcurra, and Natasha S. Reid; IMPACTS Director: Shaheen Shariff), McClure Gallery, Montreal, Quebec, 2019
University of Arizona School of Art Faculty Exhibition, University of Arizona Museum of Art, Tucson, Arizona, 2013
playing WITH - playing OUT, with Caroline Boileau, arc.hive, Victoria, BC March 2023
playing WITH - playing OUT, with Caroline Boileau, A. Wilfrid Johns Gallery, Victoria, BC, November 2022