Co-op and careers

Co-op student at a Mosquoy table display

Working at Mosquoy, a non-profit that supports the educational and cultural rights of Indigenous communities in Peru, reaffirmed Marylyn Buenvenida's belief in the importance of Indigenous cultural preservation.

Co-op student Shane in a market

Sociology student Shane Morrissey spent a co-op term working for CanAssist, a UVic-based organization dedicated to developing and delivering technologies, programs and services that improve the quality of life of those with special needs.

Co-op student on a zipline through the forest

A co-op placement doesn't mean you have to work in an office! Ben Burrelle spent a co-op term working as a Zipline Guide and working with coworkers and guests from around the world, and he built a great network for his future.

What is co-op?

Co-operative education (co-op) is a learning strategy that lets you:

  • Alternate your academic studies with paid, relevant work experience in your field of study
  • Enrich your academic studies by drawing on practical, real-world experience from your work terms
  • Develop competencies to excel in the workplace

Visit the sociology co-op website for details on admission requirements and how to apply.

Career-related support

UVic Co-op and Career can support you through every stage of your career development, through:


Contact Anaïs Holdaway Sociology Co-op Coordinator, at; or 250-721-7358.

Dr. Garry Gray is the department's co-op faculty liaison. Contact him at ; or 250-853-3772, or visit him in Cornett A361.