Special Orders

While we do recommend preferred vendors (updated March 19, 2024) that are both reliable and efficient, we can order from just about any company that will ship to Canada. Shipping charges will be more expensive and customs charges will apply for all orders placed with vendors located outside of Canada.

Note: We can only place special orders for accounts associated with the Faculty of Science.

You'll need to fill out a NEW Science Stores requisition form. (updated JUNE 27, 2024)

IMPORTANT:  For best results please save all PDF fillable forms to your machine’s hard drive and only open them in Adobe Acrobat Reader or Acrobat Pro – and especially NOT the default Mac PDF viewer or within a browser window.

For instructions on how to properly submit authorized orders to Stores, please review and follow this how to order instructions (updated September, 2024) document.   This how-to document also explains how to submit order update/ETA requests to us for your existing orders as we'll need specific information to be able to process your request.

Here's an example of a completed requisition form. Please note some fields are marked as mandatory.


Technical Service Centre Approvals 

If you are ordering computer software, or a hardware device that involves data storage (computer, external harddrive, etc.), please review the TSC's technical approval website before submitting an order to Stores.

UVic Purchasing 

If you're new to ordering, please review UVic Purchasing's website for useful information about the purchasing of goods.

If your purchase involves a contract or a service, please review this information.


For orders totalling between $5001 and $15,000 CDN before taxes you will need to submit a single written quote from the vendor, along with our Stores requisition.

For orders totalling between $15,001 and $74,999 UVic Purchasing will require quotes from 3 sources or a Direct Award Request form.

Please don't submit a Direct Award Request form to Stores without first speaking with UVic Purchasing.

You can seek the quotes yourself, directly or simply fill out Purchasing's online quote form on the Purchasing Services form page and they will get back to you with quotes.

If Purchasing gathered the quotes for you, email us a Science Stores requisition (referencing the RFQ number assigned by Purchasing) and include a copy of the winning quote and we'll submit the order by webreq.  If you don't choose to go with the lowest value quote, you'll also need to fill out a other than low quote recommendation form and submit that too.

If the required item is only available from one source, you'll need to fill out a Science Stores requisition and a Direct Award Request form from Purchasing. Before filling out the form please contact  for a consultation.   Instructions are included with the form.