Jamie Cassels Undergraduate Research Awards (JCURA)

The University of Victoria Vice-President Academic and Provost sponsors a research scholarship program - the Jamie Cassels Undergraduate Research Awards (JCURA) - to allow exceptional undergraduate students the opportunity to participate in research relevant to their discipline.

Where do I find information about JCURA?

The Learning and Teaching Support Innovation Centre at UVic (LTSI) administers the award nomination process on behalf of the Provost’s Office so information about these awards can be found on the LTSI website.  These awards are designed for senior undergraduate students (3rd and 4th year) who have a high academic standing.  Research is undertaken under the mentorship of a faculty member and sucessful applicants receive financial credit in their UVic account.

For more information including eligibility rules and FAQ's, check out the JCURA website.

How do I apply for a JCURA?

Each academic unit within the University of Victoria is eligible to nominate 1, 2 or 3 students for a JCURA each year so a student must make application through their respective department. 

Application forms as well as frequently asked questions regarding JCURA can be found on the JCURA website.