New book: Religion and Politics in Jammu and Kashmir

Reeta Tremblay
Reeta Tremblay

CAPI Associate and UVic Political Science professor Reeta Tremblay is co-editor of a new volume exploring "Religion and Politics in Jammu and Kashmir" (Routledge 2020). Chapter contributors include UVic Law grad student Zehra Abrar, Political Science Phd student Namitha George, and Political Science and History assistant teaching professor Andrew Wender.

From the publisher:

"This book examines the shifting, non-linear relationship between religion, nationalism and politics in the state of Jammu and Kashmir, India. In the wake of the revocation of Article 370, the state’s plural and relatively harmonious society has come under multiple strains, with religion often informing day-to-day politics. The chapters in this volume trace the formation of the political entity of Jammu and Kashmir and the seemingly secular politics of its three regions; discuss the rise of militancy and resistance movements in the Kashmir Valley; and highlight the intersection between everyday life, nationalism and resistance through a study of the literary traditions of Kashmir, contemporary resistance photography and everyday communalism located in the changing food practices of Hindu and Muslim communities"
