CAPI welcomes four visiting scholars

CAPI Director Victor V. Ramraj with visiting scholars Kitpatchara Somanawat and Ploykaew Porananond from Thailand

As we cautiously step out of the shadows of the pandemic, CAPI is pleased to host our first in-person visiting international scholars since the world locked down in spring 2020. Drs. Kitpatchara Somanawat and Ploykaew Porananond (pictured with CAPI Director Victor V. Ramraj, above) are both Lecturers with Chiang Mai University's Faculty of Law, Thailand, and will be joining us until the end of October as part of the CAPI/UVic Law project Regulating Globalization in South and Southeast Asia.

In addition, we are happy to have two familiar faces from campus join us for dedicated six-month visitorships at the Centre. Pacific and Asian Studies Assistant Professor Sujin Lee (already a CAPI Research Associate), has plans to organize a workshop on the politics of population in Asia and CAPI Senior Research Fellow and Professor of Software Engineering Daniela Damian, in collaboration with UVic Anthropology prof Daromir Rudnyckyj, will be exploring the intersections of fintech and data privacy in Asia.

Ploykaew Porananond

Ploykaew Porananond


Dr. Porananond (PhD, University of Glasgow) is the Director of the Center of ASEAN Transnational Studies at the Faculty of Law, Chiang Mai University. Her research interest is comparative competition law and the enactment and enforcement of competition laws in Southeast Asia and within new jurisdictions. Her book, Competition Law in the ASEAN Countries: Regional Law and National Systems (Wolters Kluwer) was published in 2018. During her stay at UVic, Dr. Porananond will be working on her current project exploring globalization of the goals of competition law, which looks into the interaction between the economic oriented goal of competition law advocated by matured competition law jurisdictions and more socially and politically inclusive ones adopted by younger jurisdictions.

Kitpatchara Somanawat

Kitpatchara Somanawat


Kitpatchara Somanawat is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Law at Chiang Mai University, Thailand, specializing in legal history, legal philosophy, social theory and constitutionalism. During his UVic stay, he will be using primarily historical methods to compare the traits of First Nations and Thai judges.

Daniela Damian

Daniela Damian

  • Home department/position:
    Professor, UVic Computer Science
  • Duration of visit: 
    July to December 2021
  • CAPI project:
    Visiting faculty program

Dr. Daniela Damian is a Professor of Software Engineering in University of Victoria’s Department of Computer Science, where she leads research in the Software Engineering Global interAction Laboratory (SEGAL). Her research interests include Software Engineering, Requirements Engineering, Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Empirical Software Engineering.

During her CAPI visitorship, Daniela, in collaboration with UVic Anthropology professor Daromir Rudnyckyj, will be undertaking a project examining developments in money and technology in Asia, with a focus on fintech and data privacy.

Sujin Lee

Sujin Lee

  • Home department/position:
    Assistant Professor, UVic Department of Pacific and Asian Studies
  • Duration of visit: 
    July to December 2021
  • CAPI project:
    Visiting faculty program


Dr. Lee's research mainly concerns the population discourse in the Japanese colonial empire, with a particular focus on birth control, eugenics, and the production of motherhood.

During her CAPI visitorship, she plans to hold a workshop on the politics of population in Asia. This workshop aims at creating a critical dialogue between Asian societies about how different modes of politics - e.g., governmentality, scientific rationality, gender politics, and globalization - regulate the quantity, quality, and mobility of population(s). To facilitate a transnational dialogue on the question of the political dimension of population discourses, she intends to invite scholars whose work concerns the historical or contemporary politics of population control and reproductive technologies in different Asian societies.

The Politics of Population in East Asia - A virtual roundtable