Migration and Mobility Project announces upcoming conference

CAPI is pleased to annouce our upcoming conference Migration and Late Capitalism: Critical Intersections with the Asia-Pacific and Beyond, being held at UVic June 11-13, 2015. 

In 2013, the global migrant population was estimated at 232 million people or 3.2 per cent of the world population, up from 175 million in 2000 and 154 million in 1990. In the last two decades, scholars and policymakers have theorized and analyzed the causes, necessities, and consequences of this steady growth in transnational and regional mobile populations within the context of late capitalism, neocolonialism, intensifying global circuits of power, and national security regimes. Migrant justice activists have simultaneously exposed and mobilized around transforming the punitive, dehumanizing, and exploitative laws and policies as they affect various categories of migrants – documented, undocumented, refugees, and asylum seekers.

The Migration and Mobility Program in the Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives at the University of Victoria is pleased to host a three-day conference, which will bring together researchers, policymakers, and activists from diverse disciplinary and regional locations to discuss new theoretical directions, interdisciplinary approaches, and critical dialogues on migration and mobility in the context of late capitalism with a particular, but not exclusive focus, on the geopolitics of the Asia-Pacific region. 

Key themes to be explored include:

  • Policy Advocacy, Activism, and Mobilization
  • Border Security and Surveillance
  • Colonialisms, Imperialisms and Late Capitalisms
  • Indigenous Displacement and Mobility
  • Environmental Degradation
  • Migration Flows, Experiences and Strategies
  • Religion and Migration

Please see our Call for Papers if you are interested in participating!

For more information visit our Migration and Mobility Program page

Contact: Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives  capi@uvic.ca