
Greek and Roman Studies Department Faculty 2018
Greek and Roman Studies Department Faculty 2018
Associate Professor
Greek literature (tragedy, Hellenistic literature, especially epigram); literature and gender; classical myth; reception studies; myth in popular culture.
Office: Clearihue B420
Greek archaeology; Aegean Prehistory; Anatolian archaeology; currently Andrew W. Mellon Professor of Classical Studies at ASCSA
On leave, ASCSA (21-24)
Associate Professor
Early Greek poetry: Homer, Hesiod, the Homeric Hymns, and archaic lyric; particular interest in narrative and gender theory.
on administrative leave
Associate Professor
Greek and Roman social, economic, and political history, most notably democracy and oligarchy; economic development, particularly agriculture, living standards, nutrition, housing, and trade; social inequality, social welfare, slavery and labour exploitation; and ideologies of social inequality, most notably capitalism, racism, and colonialism
Office: Clearihue B421
Professor and Associate Dean (Graduate Studies)
Silver Latin poetry, especially Senecan tragedy and Roman satire.
Office: Clearihue B424
Associate Teaching Professor and Acting Chair (until 30 June 2024)
Greek and Latin language pedagogy; Imperial Greek literature; Greek and Latin novels, esp. Petronius; gender and sexuality in Greek and Roman culture; reception studies, esp. historical fiction and film
Office: Clearihue B428
Associate Professor
Interests: Roman History:Greek and Latin epigraphy, Roman public and private law, Jewish and early Christian history.
Office: Clearihue B430
Associate Professor and Undergraduate Adviser
Research focus: the study of ancient colonialism and the social, economic and cultural history of the Iberian Peninsula during the Iron Age and the Roman era. Most notably, mobility and demography, religion, daily practices, cultural change and identity formation, pre-Roman languages, archaeometry, and archaeological method and theory.
Office: Clearihue B423
Limited Term Assistant Professor and Graduate Advisor
Greek art and archaeology, household archaeology, ceramics and society, socio-economic inequality in ancient economies, collapse and resilience, and the archaeology of religion
Office: Clearihue B422
Sessional instructor

Emeritus faculty

Adjunct faculty

Faculty at UVic in related disciplines

Mediterranean art and archaeology:

Classical philosophy: