Donor awards

These are the donor awards typically available. Award amount can vary each year. The application process for these awards typically occurs in August. EPLS students will receive information on how to apply for these awards by email from their graduate secretary.

Awards for EPLS students only

Don Knowles Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to a graduate student in a Master’s or Doctoral program in Educational Psychology. The successful student should be conducting thesis or dissertation research in one of the areas of interest consistent with those of Dr. Knowles. His research interests were in the areas of Developmental and Counselling Psychology.  

Robert Roy Brock Swailes Memorial Fund

This scholarship is awarded to an outstanding graduate student in the Department of Educational Psychology & Leadership Studies.   

David Stewart Book Prize for Counselling

A book prize is awarded to the most promising graduate student in the Counselling Psychology in Education program, as evidenced by papers published or presented at professional conferences.  

Ian Cameron Scholarship in Educational Measurement and Evaluation

A scholarship is awarded to a graduate student with outstanding academic achievement in the area of educational measurement and evaluation. The recipient will be enrolled in a graduate program in Educational Psychology and conducting thesis or dissertation research in the field of educational measurement, assessment and evaluation. The scholarship will be granted to a student whose thesis or dissertation investigates more efficient ways of measuring student achievement and who has the highest grade point average. If two applicants are tied, the student with the highest grades in measurement-­‐related courses will be selected.  

Dr. Marion Porath Legacy Scholarship in Education

One scholarship of at least $2,500 is awarded to an academically outstanding graduate student in Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies in the Faculty of Education who provides service to the educational community and does research in one of the following areas:

· High ability or gifted and talented students;
· Socio-cultural views of intelligence.

Preference will be given to students conducting research in the area of high ability or gifted and talented students. Applications must be accompanied by a letter of recommendation from a community/volunteer group providing evidence of the exceptional contributions the applicant has made. Approval of the recipient will be made by the Faculty of Graduate Studies Graduate Awards Committee upon the recommendation of the Educational Psychology, and Leadership Studies Department.

Awards for all UVic graduate students

Albert Hung Chao Hong

One or more scholarships based on academic excellence are awarded to undergraduate and graduate students attending the University of Victoria who are citizens of Hong Kong or Mainland China.

Discovery Program for Youth and Family Addiction Services Scholarship

One or more scholarships are awarded to students registered in a graduate program in Social Work, Child and Youth Care, Nursing, or Counselling Psychology and whose research or study is alcohol and/or drug issues.

Marlet Chapter Iode Graduate Scholarship for Women

The scholarship will be awarded to a woman student with high standing who is entering the second year of a Master's program.

General Graduate Scholarship

One or more scholarships are awarded to outstanding graduate students entering or continuing in the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

Included in this category are the Melva J. Hanson Graduate Scholarship, M.A. & D.E. Breckenridge Graduate Awards, Dr. Esme Foord Graduate Scholarship, Donald Waag Grad Scholarship, Robert

W. Ford Graduate Scholarships, Alexander & Helen Stafford McCarthy Muir Graduate Scholarship and the Jarmila Vlasta Von Drak Thouvenelle Graduate Scholarship and the John and Myrtle Tilley Graduate Scholarship.

Mrs. Annie Greskiw Graduate Award

This award is made annually to a highly qualified Master's or Doctoral student doing research on a health related subject. May be held concurrently with a major award such as a NSERC, SSHRC or CIHR award or a University of Victoria Fellowship.

Cassels Shaw Graduate Fellowship

One or more fellowships each year will be awarded to outstanding graduate students, entering or continuing in the Faculty of Graduate Studies. The recipient will be selected on the basis of high academic achievement and demonstrated financial need. Students must be nominated by their academic department, and complete a budget assessment form.

Howard E. Petch and David F. Strong Research Scholarships

Seven (7) Howard E. Petch Research Scholarships and one (1) David F. Strong Scholarship of $7500 each will be available to graduate students who have been successful in receiving University of Victoria Fellowships valued from $15,000 -­‐ $20,000 or a Canadian Federal Research Council award valued between $17,500 and $35,000. These awards are tenable for one year only.

Awards for Faculty of Education students

M.A and D.E Breckenridge Education Graduate Award

A scholarship of at least $2000 is awarded to an outstanding full or part-­‐time continuing graduate student in the Faculty of Education who completed a course in the summer immediately preceding the fall nomination deadline.

Vera Flett Keddy Buchanan Scholarship

One or more scholarships are awarded to a mature undergraduate or graduate student continuing in the Faculty of Education who is not receiving another award. In the case of an undergraduate student, selection will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Education. In the case of a graduate student, selection of the recipient will be made by the Graduate Awards Committee upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Education. 

Cameron Memorial Trust Scholarship

One or more scholarships are awarded to graduate students who are continuing their studies in the Faculty of Education.

Doug and Anne McLaughlin Scholarship

A scholarship is awarded to a graduate student in the Faculty of Education whose focus is on elementary education.

Norma Mickleson Legacy Scholarship

One or more scholarships are awarded to graduate students in the Faculty of Education who have achieved academic excellence, and who are actively involved in the community and have a record of outstanding contributions to the community through their work as volunteers.

A letter of recommendation must accompany applications from a community/volunteer group providing evidence of the exceptional contributions the applicant has made and a second letter of recommendation from a Faculty of Education faculty member.

Muriel Bev Viao Law Scholarship

Two (2) scholarships are awarded to graduate students registered full-­‐time in the Faculty of Education working on their PhD or Master's programs. Student must be full-­‐time in Education, this is not available to Interdisciplinary.

Dr. Jean Downie Dey Memorial Award

One or more awards are given to graduate students in the Faculty of Education to travel within Canada or internationally to attend or present at a conference, workshop or other related travel to support their studies. Preference will be given to a student pursuing language and literacy or early childhood education. Please state the number of conferences you will be attending and where they are to be held.

Anne McLaughlin Legacy Scholarship in Education

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding graduate students in the Faculty of Education

Use the forms below when you apply for awards:

It is your responsibility to highlight your “goodness of fit” with the specified awards’ terms of eligibility in your letter of application &/or on the one page CV. If you are applying for more than one award, please let us know which CV you are using for which award. Students can demonstrate goodness of fit and academic excellence by documenting the following in their CV’s or applications:

  • awards & distinctions (donor awards and their values, dean’s list, honours list, thesis prize etc); 
  • knowledge mobilization; 
  • non-peer-reviewed contributions such as service to the community, profession or broader society; 
  • peer-reviewed contributions (such as journal articles, conference papers or posters, juried artistic performances/installations); and 
  • specific artistic contributions (art installations; performances; poetry collections; portfolios; and dramatic pieces).

Award recipients must normally have a first class GPA (7.00/9.00 or higher). If you are new to UVic we will use your entering GPA, if you have completed one or more terms at UVic we will use your cumulative GPA in your current graduate degree program.

Award recipients must also normally be registered full time (minimum of 3.0 units) in the terms in which the award is paid.  FGS will verify registration.