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Assessment Program

The Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL) Assessment Program supports instructors by scheduling and invigilating assessments with academic accommodations. We are one of the university's supports for accommodated assessments.


Basic information for in-term exams is due on September 18 at 4 p.m.

Full details and copies are due 2 business days before the exam at 12 p.m. (noon).

The online form and loading sheet explain which exam information is required by September 18.

We will announce deadlines for the final exam period when the schedule is published.

Request invigilation

You can request invigilation with our online form or by loading sheet. There are buttons for both options near the top of this page.

You can only use our online form if you are assigned to a course section in FAST/Banner. Course coordinators and administrative staff should submit a loading sheet.

You only need to submit basic information by the request deadline above. Basic information includes:

  • the exam's date and time
  • whether it has paper or online components
  • whether it requires software or equipment

You have until two business days before the exam to submit full details and copies. Full details include:

  • exam delivery and return methods
  • printing requirements
  • allowed items

You do not need to submit any requests to OREM Accommodated Assessments. The CAL Assessment Program shares all requests with them.

We will contact you when we approve your request, or if we find an issue.



The CAL Assessment Program schedules all eligible students as they release their accommodation letters.

We operate Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., except during the final exam period. We reschedule weekday evening exams to end by 6:00 p.m. We do not schedule weekend exams, and you can reschedule them as usual.

Final exam period scheduling

We operate Monday to Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. during the final exam period. We will reschedule evening exams to end by 10:00 p.m.

We require students to remain invigilated in CAL until 30 minutes after the class exam starts.

Printing and preparation

The CAL Assessment Program prints paper copies if you provide a digital copy. We enlarge and convert the copies as needed.

We convert paper copies to digital if needed for assistive software.

Assessment formats

We support face-to-face assessments, like mid-term exams in the classroom. We do not support remote assessments.

We support timed assessments, like 15-minute quizzes or 3-hour exams. We do not support multi-day exams.

We support supervised assessments, like quizzes in tutorial. We do not support take-home exams.

We support online exams that are face-to-face, timed, and supervised.


The CAL Assessment Program supports test and exam accommodations that cannot be implemented in a typical classroom, including:

  • extra time greater than 50% (1.5x)
  • private room
  • frequency or time-of-day restrictions like at most one exam per day
  • equipment like height-adjustable desk or braille display
  • assistive software, like text-to-speech or speech-to-text
  • human support like a reader or scribe
  • possible health emergency

OREM Acccommodated Assessments supports test and exam accommodations that can be implemented in a typical classroom, including:

  • extra time up to and including 50% (1.5x)
  • distraction-reduced environment
  • simple allowed items like a calculator or extra paper
  • word processor and spell-check

We share all requests with OREM Accommodated Assessments. Students will be scheduled with the appropriate service.

Computers and software

The CAL Assessment Program's exam computers do not allow internet access unless required by the exam. Our computers have:

  • Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint if required by the exam or accommodations
  • Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox if internet access is allowed
  • Respondus LockDown Browser
  • Assistive software required by accommodations

The invigilation request form and loading sheet have a field to indicate your exam requires other software. We will contact you for more details. You may need to provide exact version, software installer, and license keys.

Changes and rescheduling

Contact both the CAL Assessment Program and OREM Accommodated Assessments if you want to change any basic exam information after the request deadline. We may not be able to support all changes. We recommend you wait for confirmation from both CAL and OREM before you announce the change to your students.

Follow the instructions on our exam rescheduling page to reschedule a student’s exam for any reason. This includes illness, time conflict, and deferrals.

Need help?

Email the CAL Assessment Program if you need help with invigilation requests or our exam services.

Email OREM Accommodated Assessments if you have questions about their services.

Email Learning and Teaching Support and Innovation (LTSI) for online exam information, including exam supervision and format options.