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Partnering for a shared future

ʔay̓nəw̓əl ʔist | ÍY,NEUELIST | Moving forward together for the good of all

ʔay̓nəw̓əl ʔist | ÍY,NEUELIST | Moving forward together for the good of all instructs us to come to the table as engaged and authentic partners. We actively co-create inclusive, values-based partnerships that are reciprocal, mutually beneficial and long-lasting. We acknowledge that lived experiences and diverse knowledge systems are essential in finding solutions to the challenges facing society and the planet. 

We aspire to co-create inclusive, values-based partnerships that aren’t bound by organizational, hierarchical or disciplinary structures. Our systems and processes will be nimble and proactive in addressing challenges, bridging academic excellence and applied research, and encouraging courageous action and inquiry. Working with internal and external partners from academic institutions, industry, community organizations and government, we will engage in collaborative partnerships that contribute to community, society and the planet. 

We will be leaders in bringing forward creative, informed, practical solutions for a sustainable and equitable future. 



Cultivating a culture of partnership so our university community and the communities we serve experience it as a defining cultural element at UVic—we are an open, responsive, supportive and preferred partner. 


Transforming systems, structures and processes to create the ideal ecosystem for partnerships to flourish. 


Responding to our partners’ needs and opportunities by sharing insights and connections across communities. 


Advancing and strengthening interdisciplinary and interdepartmental opportunities to provide new teaching, learning, research, creative works and service solutions. 

Priorities in action

Partnering for a shared future

We can only succeed if we work together.

Sample initiatives

  • partner with Elders, Knowledge Keepers and community members to ensure that Indigenous ways of knowing and being are responsibly and respectfully integrated in academic programs across campus (Indigenous Plan, 2.2.1) 
  • create opportunities for UVic students, faculty and staff to work with solution seekers from communities, government, not-for-profits and business and industry for evidence-based decision making on equitable climate solutions, mitigation and adaptation (Climate and Sustainability Action Plan, Strategy 5.2) 
  • build robust community partnerships with organizations to increase relationships with systemically and historically marginalized communities (Equity Action Plan, Relationality & belonging)

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