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Purpose, pledge & principles

Our new plan is built on a strong foundation of excellence in teaching, research and creative works, and our commitment to an outstanding student experience.

About our

Underpinning our approach and who we are as a community and a university, our purpose, pledge and principles will guide our decision-making in the coming decades. 

  • Our purpose gives us a sense of identity. It describes our direction, what we want to be known for and the impact we want to have. 
  • Our pledge is a non-negotiable commitment to supporting and honouring Indigenous rights. It is fundamental to what we stand for and a critical starting place for any work that upholds equity and justice. 
  • Our principles reflect our identity and character, guiding how we function as an organization.
Our purpose
Inspired by and honouring place, we are a community-minded, globally engaged university where we transform ideas into meaningful impact.
Our pledge
We pledge to hold ourselves accountable to ʔetalnəəl | ÁTOL,NEUEL by respecting the rights of one another, being in right relationship with all things, and by upholding the rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Our principles
Operating with excellence
We will pursue excellence in the way we teach, research, engage with the community and operate.
Honouring lifelong learning
We will support learners through their lifelong educational journey, providing the skills and knowledge needed to reach their goals.
Contributing to change
We will make meaningful contributions to social, cultural, economic and environmental progress.
Lifting each other up
We will commit to helping people succeed in their endeavours, because we know that purpose and fulfillment are foundational to the fullest expression of human well-being.
Upholding Indigenous ways of knowing
We will embrace and continuously promote Indigenous ways of knowing and being, with good hearts and minds.
Adding value when we join others.
We will work to ensure our engagement with every partner is respectful, relevant and responsive through thoughtful dialogue and shared goals.
Creating a welcoming space
We will cultivate an environment that is inclusive, equitable and supportive. UVic will be a place where each person feels like they belong.
Making room for risk-taking
We will nurture a culture that fosters trust, respect and accountability-where curiosity, courageous action and an openness to challenge are valued and encouraged.

Priorities that

Students, teaching and research are our foundation. Like all universities, at our core we are an institution defined by our commitment to education, discovery and the development and mobilization of knowledge, and to providing a supportive working and learning environment for our students, staff and faculty. Our areas of study and our strengths in research in scholarly activity are vast and all contribute to a better world. 

But what makes UVic different?

Our community told us about the strengths and priorities that make UVic distinct—and was clear about what should guide us toward building a better tomorrow. 

UVic is distinct because we prioritize: 

  • Indigenous perspectives. We want to be a community that is open to learning, prioritizes being in right relationship with and respecting the rights of all people and things, and deconstructs systemic barriers to the full participation of First Peoples in the university’s life and work. 
  • People, places and the planet. From the campus to the global community, we support people’s wellness and ability to thrive, and are addressing sustainability, climate action and the systemic barriers affecting equity, diversity and inclusion in multiple ways. 
  • Change and transformation. Through a culture of trust, curiosity and flexibility, we will continuously re-imagine what we do, how we do it and why—being courageous and open to change helps us transform our communities and the world.
  • Partnerships and collaboration. We support collaboration among faculties, disciplines and divisions; between academic and administrative units; between the campus and our community; and between UVic and our international partners, alumni, research institutions, industry and governments. 

These strategic priorities are what make us Distinctly UVic. 

A note about the language & teachings in the plan.