Dr. Christopher Auld

- Contact:
- Office: BEC 348 auld@uvic.ca
- Credentials:
- PhD (Queen's)
- Area of expertise:
- Health Economics, Microeconometrics
Chris Auld is an Applied Econometrician who studies issues in Health Behaviour, the Labour Market and Education.
- Econometrics
- Health
- Labour
- Education
- Feir, D. and Auld, M. C., forthcoming. "Indian residential schools, height and body mass post-1930," Canadian Journal of Economics.
- Auld, M. C. and M. Zarrabi, 2015. "Long-term effects of tobacco prices faced by adolescents," Forum for Health Economics and Policy 18(1):1-24.
- McLaren, L., M. Zarrabi, D. J. Dutton, C. Auld and J. C. H. Emery, 2012. "Child care: implications for overweight/obesity in Canadian children?" Chronic Diseases and Injuries in Canada 33(1).
- Stockwell, T., C. Auld, J. Zhao and G. Martin, 2012. "Does minimum pricing reduce alcohol consumption? The experience of a Canadian province," Addiction 107(5):912-920.
- Auld, M.C., 2011. "Effect of large scale social interactions on body weight." Journal of Health Economics.
- Auld, M.C. and Grootendorst, P., 2011. "Challenges for causal inference in obesity research," Handbook of the Social Science of Obesity, J. Cawley (ed), Oxford.
- Faulkner, G.E.J., P. Grootendorst, V.H. Nguyen, T. Andreyeva, K. Arbour-Nicitopoulos, C. Auld, S.B. Cash, J. Cawley, P. Donnelly, A. Drewnowski, L. Dubé, R. Ferrence, I. Janssen, J. LaFrance, D. Lakdawalla, R. Mendelsen, L.M. Powell, W.B. Traill and F. Windmeijer, 2011. "Economic instruments for obesity prevention: results of a scoping review and modified Delphi survey," International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 8(1): 1.
- Auld, M.C. and Powell, L.M., 2009. "Economics of food energy density and adolescent body weight," Economica 76(304): 719-40.
- Powell, L.M., Auld, M.C., Chaloupka, F. et al., 2007. "Associations between access to food stores and adolescent body mass index," American Journal of Preventive Medicine 33(4S):S301-S307.
- Auld, M.C., 2007. "Estimating behavioral response to the AIDS epidemic," Contributions to Economic Analysis and Policy 5 (article 12).
- Auld, M.C., 2005. "Smoking, drinking and income," Journal of Human Resources 40(2): 505-518. Reprinted in The Economics of Health Behaviors, vol II, Cawley and Kenkel (eds), Elgar 2008.
- Auld, M.C., 2005. "Causal effect of early initiation on adolescent smoking patterns." Canadian Journal of Economics 38(3):709-34. Harry Johnson Prize for best paper in the CJE, 2005.
- Auld, M.C. and Grootendorst, P., 2004. "An empirical analysis of milk addiction," Journal of Health Economics 23: 1117-1133. Reprinted in The Economics of Health Behaviors, vol I, Cawley and Kenkel (eds), Elgar 2008.
- Auld, M.C., 2003. "Choices, beliefs, and infectious disease dynamics," Journal of Health Economics 22: 361-377.
Book chapters
- Auld, M.C. and P.V. Grootendorst, 2014. "Instrumental variables: Informing policy." In Encyclopedia of Health Economics pages 61-66.