Thailand Field School

2023 Field School students visiting a temple
2023 Field School students visiting Doi Suthep temple, Chiang Mai

In 2023 CAPI, UVic's Global Development Studies (GDS) minor program, and the Department of Political Science (POLI) developed new initiative for UVic Undergraduate students: a field school in northern Thailand examining policies of development and the environment. The 1.5 unit, third-year level cross-listed course (POLI / GDS) took place in May 2023 and 2024 and encompassed one week of intensive classroom study at UVic followed by 3 weeks of experiential learning in Thailand. This field school was unique in that priority was given to students typically underrepresented in overseas opportunities. Through Global Skills Opportunity (GSO), funding to cover the entire cost of the field school was provided for up to 7 students, and partial funding for another 3 students.

Students learned about local economic development and environmental challenges, specifically those issues that highlight the importance of inclusivity, equitability and sustainability in community development and resilience movements. Through community visits, conversations with civil society groups, museum visits, and travel throughout Thailand, the students learned about the impacts of environmental challenges on everyday life and on rural and urban landscapes. They also learned about community resilience and innovative approaches to such environmental challenges, and strategies aimed at advancing sustainable community development. Topics and site visits included: mining and the impact of extractive growth strategies on the local environment and on communities; deforestation and local experiences of climate change; grassroots anti-poverty initiatives; community resistance to environmentally damaging economic growth strategies and community resilience; legal rights and political movements of ethnic minorities. The groups had the opportunity to consider the intersection of some of these issues with local and international supports to refugee and undocumented communities in Northern Thailand.


Global Skills Opportunities program logoThis project is funded by Global Skills Opportunity (GSO), the Government of Canada's outbound mobility pilot program.