MA program


Admission requirements

All applicants must be able to demonstrate a well-rounded, comprehensive knowledge of the ancient Greek and Roman worlds.

The basic admission requirements are:

  1. a four-year bachelor degree with at least a B+ (6.0) GPA in one of the several areas of ancient Greek and Roman Studies
  2. balanced strength in Greek and Latin, or substantial experience in one language and at least basic competence in the other.
  3. proficiency reading French, German or Italian is also helpful.
  4. The minimum grade-point average to qualify for funding and financial assistance is normally 7.0 (A-) on a 9.0 scale.

In addition to the documentation required by the Faculty of Graduate Studies for admissions, the Department of Greek and Roman Studies requires a statement of intent from each prospective student outlining the student's research interests, and a writing sample ideally representative of the student's prospective research interest.

Applications can be accepted at any point, but applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the department by January of their intent to apply. The deadline for consideration for financial support is February 1.

Program of studies

The program is designed to take two years to complete. The first year consists primarily of directed reading in three fields, and the second is devoted to the preparation of a thesis. Students will also be required to demonstrate proficiency in a modern European language.

Under normal circumstances the student will complete the above-mentioned fields in the first year.  Students should meet with the instructors of the fields in which they are registered in the first week of a term when they will be given a reading list and an outline of the course of study. The course will include the preparation of a number of papers or reports, to be set at the discretion of the instructor. Normally, the instructor will schedule a series of meetings with the students at the first meeting. Individual instructors will establish the methods of evaluation for their courses.  Students may contact the Department for recent syllabi and reading lists for the field courses.

In the second year, the student will write a thesis under the supervision of a member of the department and a committee appointed according to the regulations of the Faculty of Graduate Studies. The MA thesis normally provides the graduate student with the opportunity to study a specific question in literature, history or archaeology which has been under-represented in past scholarship. Current and past research by our students can be viewed here.  Qualification for the thesis year is by permission of the department. Permission will be denied to any student who has not achieved a grade of B+ or better on any of the three field examinations.

Awards and bursaries

The University and the Department offer a number of funding opportunities, including Fellowships valued at up to $17,500 for twelve months. Subject to satisfactory performance, a candidate for an MA program may hold a Fellowship for two years.  Additionally, the Department normally offers Teaching Assistantships. The Department strongly encourages applicants to consider applying for a SSHRC grant for their first year in the program. 

Financial assistance

Recipients of University of Victoria Fellowships and Graduate Awards may also be offered supplementary paid employment in the department. Students who do not hold receive funding from the Department or University may still qualify for financial aid. This may take the form of a special award from the Dean of Graduate Studies, or one of part-time employment within the department and a faculty supplement. Full-time students are limited to a maximum of 300 hours of paid employment during the academic year. Departmental duties may include tutorial assistance in Greek and/or Latin, marking responsibilities, and occasional teaching assignments. There is the additional possibility of employment as a research assistant for an individual faculty member. Information about bursaries and fellowships can be found at UVic Student Awards and Financial Aid.


Inquiries about the program should be directed to the Graduate Adviser:

Department of Greek and Roman Studies
University of Victoria
PO Box 1700
Victoria, BC V8W 2Y2