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Peer Notetaker

A peer notetaker accommodation means the University will help you find a notetaker in your class. A peer's lecture notes supplement your own notes and help fill in any information you miss. Shared notes are not a replacement for your own notes, and you are still expected to attend class.

You can use a peer notetaker accommodation in two ways:

  • Free: you ask your instructor to ask the class for volunteers to share their notes
  • Paid: you ask the Full-Serve Notetaking Program to hire and manage a notetaker in your class

You are always free to talk to your friends or classmates about sharing notes on your own. In that case, you don't need to follow the instructions on this page.

Volunteer notetaker (free)

Your instructor can help find a volunteer notetaker in your class if you ask. Once you ask, your instructor can help in several ways, including:

  • in-person announcement,
  • class-wide email, and
  • Brightspace post.

There is no guarantee that a student will volunteer to share their notes.

If someone volunteers, the instructor will usually give you their contact information. If you prefer, your instructor might agree to give your contact information to the volunteers. If you want to remain anonymous, you can use a contact method without your name attached.

Your instructor can read our peer notetaker accommodation page for instructors if they have any questions.

If someone volunteers, discuss and agree on a way to share notes with them. Common methods include:

  • you borrow and photocopy the notes,
  • the notetaker sends the notes to you by email, or
  • the notetaker and you share notes through a service like iCloud or OneDrive.

Your responsibilities

Contact your instructor if you want help finding a volunteer notetaker in the class.

Contact a volunteer and agree how to exchange notes.

Collect the notes from the notetaker. Your instructor is not responsible for exchanging the notes.

Do not share the notes you receive. You do not have to destroy the notes, but they are only for your personal use.

The instructor's responsibilities

The instructor should make a reasonable effort to find a volunteer notetaker. There is no guarantee that a student will volunteer.

The instructor must not identify you to the class when finding a volunteer.

Full-Serve Notetaking Program (paid)

CAL's Full-Serve Notetaking Program hires notetakers in your class and provides a way to exchange notes anonymously. If you are eligible for a student loan, the Canada Student Grant can pay for the notetaker.

Your responsibilities

Request a paid notetaker before the deadline. You must also complete the notetaking agreement online form every term. Instructions are on the Full-Serve Notetaking Program’s page.

Report any problems with the notes as soon as possible.

Pay for your notetakers at the end of term.

The instructor's responsibilities

None. Your instructor is not involved if you use the Full-Serve Notetaking Program.

Need help?

Email the CAL notetaking program or phone the CAL front desk at 250-472-4947.