Math and stats assistance centre

Welcome to the Math & Stats Assistance Centre! Whether you are struggling with a math course or aiming for an A+, we invite you to work with us.
Spring 2025 Support
The Math & Stats Assistance Centre tutors will be available for free drop-in face-to-face tutoring in both the Elliot Building and the Library Learning Commons from January 13th through the April exam period 2025. Please see the schedule and locations tab for details on tutoring.
What we do
We offer a friendly collaborative study space where you can work on your 100- and 200-level math and stats courses. We have free tutors available to help; if you are stuck on a concept or a problem, just sign up and the next tutor who supports your course will assist you. Check our schedule to find out when your course is supported. Self-paced study materials are available on the Math & Stats Assistance Centre Brightspace. We will be offering three workshops this semester; see the schedule page for more information.
To get the most out of your meeting with our tutors, we ask that you try to solve your questions on your own before asking us: read the book, review your class notes, ask your peers, etc. You can do all of this, and discuss questions with your peers in our study space, while you wait for the next available tutor. Our explanations will be much more useful if you have thought hard about your question first. If you have your class notes with you, and can share them with your tutor during your conversation, those will help us understand your question better.
We complement, rather than replace, lectures and tutorials. We are not allowed to answer direct questions about assignments that are going to be turned in for marks. If you need help with an assignment, try asking us a similar question - or even better, ask us about the concepts.