Research and exchange opportunities for undergraduate students
- Inorganic Chemistry Exchange (ICE)
- Reactive Intermediates Student Exchange (RISE)
- NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA)
- Science Undergraduate Research Award (SURA)
- Science Emerging Researcher Award (SERA)
- Research based undergraduate courses (Chem298, Chem398, Chem399 and Chem499)
- Co-op opportunities
NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards
Spend a summer on Canada's beautiful West Coast!
Qualified undergraduate chemistry students (from any university in Canada), in a major or honours program with a minimum cumulative average of 'B' standing and in at least their 2nd year of studies, are invited to apply for an NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award (NSERC USRA) for the May-August term in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Victoria. Preference will be given to highly qualified students, including students from other institutions. Selected students will receive a minimum of $2000 per month which consists of the award amount plus a stipend.
Research projects are available in organic, inorganic and physical chemistry/chemical physics. Interested students are encouraged to contact potential supervisors before formally applying. Browse research interests of our faculty members. Every effort will be made to match successful applicants to their first choice of supervisor.
Students interested in applying for an NSERC USRA in the Department of Chemistry will send the following documents via email to Sandra Carlson
- a completed NSERC application Form 202 found on the NSERC website,
- a transcript (UVic applicants can include an unofficial transcript obtained from My page)
Application deadline is February 15.