Unsustainable Prosperity: China, Globalization and the New Political Economy of Development

Pollution in a Chinese city

Congratulations to CAPI’s China Chair, Dr. Guoguang Wu, (Departments of Political Science and History and CAPI) on being awarded an SSHRC Insight grant for his new project on China’s participation in the global economy.

This new grant, which totals $153,672 over four years, will fund research that investigates the political economic institutions that have supported China's economic success in globalization, and, based on a comparative examination of social injustice, ecological cost & political repression entailed by the institutions, argues that these very institutions are not capable of sustaining China's further development. Empirical examinations will be conducted from a comparative perspective, which places China in comparison with India, Mexico, Brazil & Russia, these all being huge, developing nations that have been recently experiencing economic booms but with different political, economic & institutional arrangements that might entail divergent social, ecological & political impacts of economic development.

This is Dr. Wu’s second SSHRC Insight grant since he joined the Centre in 2004, the first grant having been awarded in 2007 for his research project focusing on China’s National Party Congress.

“Dr. Wu is a world class scholar who has consistently secured substantial outside funding that has ensured the success of CAPI’s China focused programming," says Helen Lansdowne, Asociate Director
Guoguang Wu talks about his new research project about China and sustainable growth. from CAPI on Vimeo.