
IALH Faculty Affiliate Sam Liu

Sam Liu, Assistant Professor in the School of Exercise Science and Health Education and Director of the Digital Health Lab

IALH Faculty Affiliate Debra Sheets with Student Affiliate Sanjit Roy

Debra Sheets pictured with PhD Student Sanjit Roy

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Jonathan Rush, Department of Psychology

The Institute on Aging and Lifelong Health (IALH) is a network of individuals including university researchers, graduate and post-doctoral students, as well as community members, who are committed to improving the health and quality of life of an increasingly diverse population.

If you are interested in becoming an IALH Faculty Fellow, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Student Affiliate or Associate Member, please contact Dr. Jo Ann Miller, Research Manager, at 

IALH Staff

Victoria site
The creation of a multidisciplinary, university-based research centre was initiated in 1987. The Centre on Aging updated its name to the Institute on Aging and Lifelong Health in 2016 to highlight the interdisciplinary work of affiliates in the social, behavioral, and health sciences to improve health and well-being across the lifespan. The Victoria site currently reside at Hut-R at the University of Victoria.

General inquiries
Phone: 250-721-6369





Jodie Gawryluk

Acting Director


Ami Bitschy

Project Coordinator

Palliative Approaches to Care in Aging & Community Health Research Team


Denise Cloutier

IALH Research Fellow


Carren Dujela

Research Coordinator 

Palliative Approaches to Care in Aging & Community Health Research Team


Ashleigh Enright

Administrative Assistant


Elena Hagedorn

IALH Finance Administrator 


Sepideh Heydari

Postdoctoral Fellow


Jo Ann Miller

IALH Research Manager


Ashley Mollison

Project Coordinator

Palliative Approaches to Care in Aging & Community Health Research Team


Leah Potter

Institute Administrator


Kelli Stajduhar

IALH Research Fellow


Kara Whitlock

Research Assistant

Palliative Approaches to Care in Aging & Community Health Research Team


Shahnaz Winer

Research Assistant

Cognition & Technology Research Group




Ladner site

In 2002 the Ladner satellite office was established in Delta, BC. A major focus of activity of the Ladner Office is recruiting and training volunteers to deliver self-management programs and training health care professionals to use self-management support strategies when interacting with patients. The Ladner office self-management programs give people the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to successfully manage chronic health conditions.

For more information on the self-management programs, visit their website here.

General Inquiries
Phone: 604-940-1273
Toll-free: 1-866-902-3767






Patrick McGowan

Associate Director- IALH Ladner Site


Naida Khan

Office Manager


Margaret Chernaske

Project Support


June Clearsky

Coordinator: Indigenous Provincial and Fraser (North) Self-Management Programs


Julieta Gerbrandt

Project Support, Self-Management Health Coach Program


Brenda Gyurkovics

Project Support


Karen Hannah

Lead, HCP Pairing and Support, Self-Management Health Coach Program


Fran Hensen

Self-Management Health Coach Program Educator


Lisa Herriot

Program Support, Self-Management Health Coach Program


Navah Jacobs

Research Assistant and Data Coordinator


Courtney Kang

Coordinator:  Chinese Self-Management Programs


Charles Labun

Coordinator: Interior Self-Management Programs


David Langer

Coordinator: Vancouver South, Richmond and Delta Self-Management Programs


Sherry Lynch

Research Associate


Ginette McLennan

Project Support


John Murphy

Coordinator: Fraser (East) Self-Management Programs


Leah Otsig

Coordinator: Vancouver Island Self-Management Programs


Ana Pacheco

 Program Support, Self-Management Health Coach Program


Louise Rolland

Coordinator: Vancouver Coastal & Sunshine Coast Self-Maangement Programs


Gurpreet Sandhu

Coordinator, Frailty Health Coach Study 


Gundeep Sidhu

 Coordinator: South-Asian Self-Management Programs


IALH Research Fellows

UVic faculty research fellows bring a diverse range of expertise in the fields of sociology, geography, psychology, economics, business, law, medical sciences, exercise science, philosophy, engineering, nursing, public health and social policy, child and youth care, social work, and public administration.


Research interests 

Albert, Katelin


Vaccinations; gender and sexuality; sexual and reproductive health; health decision-making; wait times and waiting in health care; health technologies; digital health equities

Amer, Tarek


How age related changes in cognitive control influence memory patterns and represenations in older adults; behavioural techniques; eye-tracking techniques; neuroimaging techniques (FNIRS, EEG)

Ames, Megan


Mental health; health behaviour; adolescences; young adults; youth mental health promotion; autism spectrum disorders

Beringer, Robert

Public Health and Social Policy

Health equity; 2SLGBTQ+ Aging; technology and aging

Bertoni, Katherine


Primary care delivery models; nurse practitioner practice and leadership; palliative approach to care; diabetes care and management

Black, Marianne

Mechanical Engineering 

Osteoarthritis; biomechanics; augmented reality; musculoskeletal disorders; technology for health; pain self-management; e-wearables 

Borycki, Elizabeth

Health Information Science

Aging and assistive technologies; patient safety and technology; virtual care technologies; data science; human factors

Brewster, Paul 


Digital cognitive assessment; early detection of Alzheimer's disease; life course socioeconomic influences on late life cognition; advanced psychometric methods

Buckler, Jean

Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education

Health promotion; physical literacy, childhood and adolescent physical activity; gender-inclusive physical activity programs

Carroll, Simon


Sociology of aging and technology; health promotion; health systems change; long term care; mental health

Caruncho, Hector 

Division of Medical Sciences


Neurobiology of mental disorders; links between depression and Alzheimer’s disease; biomarkers of early dementia; biomarkers of mood and psychotic disorders; reelin, sex and gender 

Chou, Fred

Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies

Intergenerational trauma and resilience; Asian mental health; Participatory Action Research; narrative research; youth mental health promotion; cultural and community psychology; intergenerational relations

Chrimes, Dillon

Health Information Science

Aging; artificial intelligence; biomedical informatics; data analytics; digital health; electronic health records; hospital system; surveillance 

Christie, Brian

Division of Medical Sciences

Effects of exercise on the human brain; effects of concussions on cognitive health later in life; use of video games to enhance cognitive health later in life

Clark, Nancy


Mental health; immigrant, refugee and racialized communities; health equity; social justice; intersectionality; community based participatory action oriented research; patient oriented research

Cloutier, Denise

Department of Geography

Health services research; healthy aging; healthy communities; social determinants of health; vulnerable populations (stroke-affected, dementia, end-of-life, immigrant older adults, socially isolated, residents of Long Term Care) 

Cobb, Jennifer

Biochemistry and Microbiology 

Connection between aging and genome integrity; impact of cellular age on DSB repair pathway choice and chromatin packaging; genomic instability; cellular aging and genome stability; modeling premature aging and cancer-relevant mutations in budding yeast 

Contandriopoulos, Damien


Primary care delievery models; nurses' roles in primary care; home care; social network models; health policy making; knowledge traslation

Courtney, Karen

School of Health Information Science

Community based health information technology to support older adults in co-managing their health; ethical use of health information technology; use of health information technology to support patients and family caregivers at end of life 

Davey, Lauren

Biochemistry and Microbiology 

Microbiology and gut microbiome

Dordunoo, Dzifa


Cardiovascular health; global health; quality improvement; knowledge translation; metal hypersensitivity

Garcia-Barrera, Mauricio

Department of Psychology

Executive functioning; neuropsychological assessment; concussions; healthy aging

Gawryluk, Jodie

Department of Psychology

Neuropsychology and neuroimaging; identification of biomarkers for neurodegenerative disorders; healthy aging; intervention studies; challenges for individuals with cognitive decline and their caregivers

Giles, Josh

Mechanical Engineering

Musculoskeletal and orthopedic medical device design; patient assessment and rehabilitation; surgical planning; biomechanics; computational modeling; in vitro biomechanical experimentation; statistical morphological analysis

Grouzet, Frederick


Motivation and self-regulation; values and socialization; well-being, mental health and healthy behaviour; young and young adults; Indigenous an community-led research; youth-led research

Handlovsky, Ingrid


Health needs and experiences of middle-aged and older self-identifying gay men; curriculum development to support nursing care of middle-aged and older self-identifying gay men 

Haworth, Brandon

Computer Science

Agent-based modeling; predictive (crowd-aware) environment design; motion capture for biomechanical modeling; human-centred artificial intelligence in design and modeling; simulation for analytics and animation; representation in dynamic simulation, animation and graphics; artificial intelligence in diagnoses; serious games for rehabilitation; partiipatory design

Jabbari, Hosna

Computer Science

Bioinformatics; medical informatics; transcriptomics; RNA structure-function prediction; RNA therapy; DNA methylation; mechanism of function prediction; artificial intelligence; high throughput sequencing data analysis; aging

Kennedy, David

Exercise Science, Physical & Health Education 

Assessment of neglect after stroke; understanding chronic pain; fatigue and function in neurological conditions such as stroke and multiple scerosis

Kushniruk, Andre

Health Information Science

Human-computer interaction; cognitive science; health informatics; digital health; ehealth literacy; health information systems

Kwon, Jae-Yung


Patient-reported outcomes; hermeneutics;knowledge translation; care of older adults with comorbidities

Lachowsky, Nathan

Public Health and Social Policy


LGBTQ2+ communities; sexual health across the lifespan; sexually transmitted infections; HIV/AIDs; community-based research; mixed and multi-method studies; prospective cohort design; health equity 

Lai, Claudia

Health Information Science 

Digital health equity; aging at home; participatory research; learning health systems

lewallen, ann-elise

Pacific & Asian Studies

environmental health issues among Indigenous communities in Northeast and Eastern India;ethnographic, survey based methods;health impacts related to geographic location

Liu, Sam

Exercise Science, Physical & Health Education

Chronic disease prevention and management; mHealth; web-based interventions; big data; data prediction

MacDonald, Stuart

Department of Psychology

Cognitive aging; early detection of cognitive impairment; lifestyle engagements for successful aging; aging in place; technology in the home; longitudinal data analysis; gait; functional biomarkers of cognitive function; variability

Mallidou, Anastasia


Applied health services research; research competencies; knowledge translation competencies; leadership in health care organizations; evidence-based practice and health policy; healthy aging; technology use in health; health informatics

Mawani, Farah

School of Child and Youth Care 

Social determinants of mental health inequities, migration and mental health; solutions for social and mental health inequities; inclusive implementation science approaches

McDaniel, Susan 


Population aging, life course, social determinants of health, social policy

McGowan, Patrick

Public Health and Social Policy

Interventions for individuals with chronic health conditions; implementation, spread and sustainability of interventions; effectiveness of various interventions with specific chronic conditions

Minshall, Simon

Health Information Science

Data analytics; visualization; medical imaging; human factors; 

Mitchell, Cheryl 

Gustavson School of Buisness 

Contextual phenomena and their impact on professions, organizations and institutions (specifically in healthcare); contextual phenomena which emerge internally and impact the system (blame, moral distress, health professions); contextual phenomena which emerge externally (crisis leadership, AI, performance)

Monkman, Helen

Health Information Science

eHealth/digital health literacy; consumer health informatics; human factors; human-computer interaction; information visualization

Murray, Alison


Bone biology, skeletal plasticity to loading; bone hormones

Newton, Lorelei


Care of the older person with cancer; nursing ethics

Nutter, Sarah

Educational Psychology & Leadership Studies

Weight stigma, theories of weight stigma, development of effective interventions, impact of weight stigma on health and health care

Ou, Christine



Perinatal mental health; sleep; parenting;infant/child development;Queer parenting; policy development for psychosocial healthcare in long term care; knowledge translation and mobilization

Paterson, Theone


Cognitive and pyschosocial predictors of health behaviours; impact of technology on these behaviours; improved measurement and assessment tools for assessment of cognitive decline; development of interventions with possible impmact on rate of cognitive and/or functional decline; impacts of COVID-19 and pandemic on psychosocial and cognitive outcomes

Perin, Charles

Computer Science

Visualization; human-computer interaction; health informatics; patient-generated data; quantified self; sports data visualization

Petrovskaya, Olga

Health Information Science & Nursing


eHealth; digital health; implementation of clinical information systems and patient portals

 Pauluth-Penner, Trudy

Applied Theatre

Advancing lifelong health and well-being through intergenerational applied theatre arts initiatives; how aging is portrayed in the media; aging over time; promoting holistic-person-and-capability-centred care for people with dementia; enhancing quality in residential care with older adults' family perspectives;policy development for psychosocial healthcare in long term care; reminiscence/life review therapeutic interventions for older adults; prevelance of arts in care facilities; supports, barriers in BC and nationally

Piccinin, Andrea


Trajectories of cognitive change in normal aging and neurodegenerative disorders; impact of physical health changes on these trajectories; longitudinal research; role of (un)diagnosed ADHD in late life cognitive performance level and change

Rhodes, Ryan

Exercise Science, Physical & Health Education

Behavioural medicine and behaviour change interventions; pyschology of physcial activity and sedentary behaviour; theories of motivation

Roudsari, Abdul

Health Information Science

Modelling and simulation in health care; modelling methodology for health resource management, clinical decision support, machine learning and AI; development and evaluation of decision support systems; evaluation methodologies with particular application in telemedicine; ontologies and temporal representation and reasoning; utilization of business intelligence in health care; shared decision-making, personalized heath records and environmental sensing for health

Rush, Jonathan


Intra-individual processes; well-being; longitudinal methodology and analyses

Sakamoto, Mariko


Aging; dementia; gerontological nursing; health care transitions; participatory action research; qualitative methods; integrated knowledge translation

Slemon, Allie


Social justice practices in nursing and health systems; equity in health care access and experiences for 2SLGBTQ+ communities; enhancing safety and justice in mental health settings; safety and risk discourses; discrimination; social media research

Smith, André


Aging and social capital; role of organizational culture in efforts to reduce anti-pyschotic medication in long term care; choir singing for individuals with dementia and their caregivers

Smith, Kurt

Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education 

Mechanism responsible for physiological adaptation in the cerebral vasculature throughout the lifepan; environmental factors that impact cerebrovascular function; sex differences in cerebrovascular regulation

Somanath, Sowmya

Computer Science

Human computer interaction; technology to support hands-on activities (e.g. building physical interactive artifacts); co-design; technology for health; assistive technologies; interaction design 

Stajduhar, Kelli


Chronic and life-limiting conditions; palliative and end-of-life care; vulnerable and marginalized populations; familiy caregiving; health services, systems and policies for an aging population

Sukhawathanakul, Paweena


Each childhood and adolescent indicators of mental health across the life span; best practices with regard to the prevention of injuries and promotion of road safety

Templeman, Nicole



Signaling pathways and molecular mechanisms that coordinate an organism's nutrtional status with metabollic responses, reproduction and maintenance of cell and tissue integrity with age: age-related changes from the molecular and cellular levels to the whole organism

Tremblay, Marie-Ève (Eve)

Division of Medical Sciences

Aging, stress, diet, lifestyle, infection immunity, microglia, learning, memory, cognition, neurodegenerative disease, animal models, post-mortem human brain samples, clinical studies, fluorescence, confocal and electron microscopy, behavioural analyses, molecular studies

Tuffs, Stephen

Biochemistry & Microbiology

Bacterial host-pathogen interactions; bacteriology; immunology; sepsis

Turner, Brianna


Suicide and self-harm; disordered eating; risk-taking behaviours; micro-longitudinal methods; digital health; psychotherapy; behavioural therapy; Borderline Personality Disorder

Willerth, Stephanie

Mechanical Engineering/Division of Medical Sciences

Neural tissue models of age related disorders (e.g. Alzheimer's, Parkinson's)

Wynn, Jordana


Eye movements; visusal attention; memory; cognitive aging

Yi, Jaehee

Social Work

Post-traumatic growth and resilience among trauma-affected populations; transnational research; 2SLGBTQ+ people; using art in research; immigrants; indigenous people; aging

Zehr, E. Paul

School of Exercise Science, Physical & Health Education

Enhanced aging; interventions to improve balance and reduce falls

Zhang, Jie

Gustavson School of Business

How to deliver home care efficiently with a high level of continuity; how to organize adaptive service systems to support transistions through the aging process

Postdoctoral Fellows


Research interests 

Ifeoluwa (Hiphy) Awogbindin

Division of Medical Sciences 

Neuroimmunology; aging; neurotropic infectious diseases; microglia; neuro-degenerative dieases

Adriano Chaves

Division of Medical Sciences

Microglia role in neurobiology of stress-related disorders; chronic stress and mood disorders as a major risk factor for aging-related cognitive decline and dementia; microglia-centred strategies to promote neuorplasticity and reverse stress and aging-related consequences; Gamma brain waves potentiation as a novel strategy to engage neurons and microglia into a neuroprotective response during aging

Tyrone Curtis 

Public Health and Social Policy

Sexual health; HIV & STI prevention; health inequities; 2SLGBTQ+ health; sexuality; sexual healthcare; sexual behaviour

Gracia Dong

Mathematics and Statistics 

Estimating poopulation size of vulnerable populations (homeless/opiod users); patterns of service utlization; inequities in care access; computational statistics; statistics education

Aki Gormezano

School of Public Health and Social Policy 

Community-based approaches to STI prevention, treatment and care for people who participate in group sex across the lifespan

Sepideh Heydari


Brain health; healthy aging; multiple sclerosis; superaging; digital health technology; wearable medical devices; cognitive control; decision making; pain

Jamie Knight


Digital, cognitive and olfactory health across the lifespan; early diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases

Samara Mayer


Pain needs of structurally vulnerable palliative care individuals with substance use disorder; gaps and barriers to pain management in structually vulnerable palliative care individuals; equitable pain management; patient-centred guidance on the management of pain in vulnerable indivdiuals with substance use disorder

Andrea Mellor

 Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research 

Improving access to health and social services that enrich social belonging and cultural continuity for marginalized populations including Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth who may be experiencing multiple complexities in their lives including poverty, substance use, and mental illness; youth living in foster care; people living with disabilities; people who sell sexual services

Amanda Orr

Mathematics & Statistics 

Alzheimer's Disesease research; bioprinting 3D neural models for accurate drug screening

Kristina Smith 


Palliative care; ethics & relational ethics; client-centred and family centred care; marginalized and structurally vulnerable populations; Cancer care; healthcare providers; health equity; health services

Yao Sun

Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education

Neurophysiology; balance; posture control; fall prevention; aging; rehabilitaton; 

Sarah Wagner


Long-term care; social isolation; digital inclusion; critical ethnography; digital storytelling; collaborative research

IALH Student Affiliates

Anthony Theodore Amato

  • Department: Social Dimensions of Health
  • Supervisor: Nathan Lachowsky 
  • Research Interests: HIV Health promotion in Gay/Bi and other men who have sex with men (MSM); health equity across generations

 Masako Anderson

  • Department: Social Dimensions of Health
  • Supervisor: Kelli Stajduhar, Denise Cloutier
  • Research Interests: Death and dying; end of life care; advance care planning; older adult mental health; home care; older adult abuse/neglect/self-neglect; vulnerable adults, especially Japanese

 Faria Athar

  • Department: Biology
  • Supervisor:Nicole Templeman
  • Research Interests: Impact of nutrition and diet on aging; reproductive health; menopause; role of exercise on aging; reproductive aging; improving health and care outcomes for aged persons

 Coady Babin

  • Department: Social Dimensions of Health
  • Supervisor: Nathan Lachowsky
  • Research Interests: Health equity – specifically related to LGBTQ community, including autonomy and independence, access, experiences with health care systems

 Carolyn Brandly

  • Department: Social Dimensions of Health
  • Supervisors: Nancy Clark, Robert Beringer, Mariko Sakamoto
  • Research Interests: Dementia; human rights of people with dementia; rehabilitation for people with dementia; community-based supports for people with dementia and care partners; supports for people with dementia from marginalized communities

 Tess Carswell

  • Department: Mechanical Engineering
  • Supervisor: Josh Giles
  • Research Interests: Medical device design; female-specific lower limb prosthetic design; user-centred design of medical devices; human factors engineering; patient-oriented research; sex and gender differences in lower limb amputees; patient assessment and rehabilitation; biomechanics; computational modeling

 Hayley Casey

  • Department: Psychology
  • Supervisor: Jodie Gawryluk
  • Research Interests: Neuropsychology; neurodegenerative disorders; dementia; traumatic brain injury

 Matilde (Matty) Cervantes

  • Department: Interdisciplinary
  • Supervisor: Denise Cloutier
  • Research Interests: Arts-based research; healthy aging; social determinants of health; mental health; social justice; environmental psychology; participatory action research

 Alison Chung

  • Department: Psychology
  • Supervisor: Theone Paterson
  • Research Interests: Healthy aging from a neuropsychological lens; older adult populations & their experiences of dementia, chronic conditions & neurodegeneration; neurocognitive and psychosocial risk/protective factors of cognitive health in adults generally

 Tara Cooper

  • Department: Psychology
  • Supervisor: Andrea Piccinin
  • Research Interests: Healthy cognitive aging; lifespan development; dementia; neurodevelopmental disorders

 Tabitha Craig

  • Department: School of Exercise Science, Physical & Health Education
  • Supervisor: Kurt Smith
  • Research Interests: Effects of sex hormones on endothelial function; arterial stiffness in cerebrovasculature across the lifespan

 Cian Dabrowski

  • Department: Psychology
  • Supervisor: Theone Paterson
  • Research Interests: Stress; trauma; neuropsychology; cognition; fNIRS (functional near infrared spectroscopy)

 Rachel de Molitor

  • Department: Sociology
  • Supervisor: Susan McDaniel
  • Research Interests: Gendered reproductive aging; menopause & perimenopause; embodiment

 Gillian Eades Telford

  • Department: Social Dimensions of Health
  • Supervisors: Karen Courtney; Anastasia Mallidou
  • Research Interests: Community dwelling centanarians’ perceptions of life long successful aging predictors; qualitative research

 Mina Emadi

  • Department: Computer Science
  • Supervisor: Hosna Jabbari 
  • Research Interests: Bioinformatics; system biology; computational biology; machine learning; Alzheimer's disease

 Amr Farghali

  • Department: Health Information Science
  • Supervisor: Elizabeth Borycki
  • Research Interests: Clinical informatics; innovative technologies to improve clinical practice, workflow, enhanced outcomes and patient safety; analysis of clinical data; tools or applications to visualize disease analytics; use of digital health solutions on medication compliance; impact of digital health solutions on clinical outcomes

 Jenise Finlay

  • Department: Social Dimensions of Health
  • Supervisor: Vera Caine
  • Research Interests: Chronic Pain; disability; invisible disabilities; emerging adult women; women's health; sexual health; sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

 Mar'yana Fisher

  • Department: Nursing
  • Supervisor: Kelli Stajduhar
  • Research Interests: Palliative care of incarcerated individuals

 Kendall Fraser

  • Department: Social Dimensions of Health
  • Supervisor: Denise Cloutier
  • Research Interests: Women 55+ who have experienced homelessness; use of life course perspective to understand cumulative impacts of homelessness on physical and mental health; support for women who have experienced homelessness to age safely in their communities; social isolation and loneliness of marginalized older women; the needs of LGBT women who have experienced homelessness

 Junko Fukui Innes

  • Department: School of Health Information
  • Supervisor:Abdul Vahabpour Roudsari 
  • Research Interests: Quality assurance; home support; seniors living independently at home; advanced analytics; technology 

 Zoe Gilson

  • Department: Psychology
  • Supervisor: Theone Paterson
  • Research Interests: Cognitive aging; dementia; neurodegenerative disorders; preventative interventions for cognitive decline in older adults and using digital platforms (such as mHealth apps) to deliver these interventions; effect of modifiable lifestyle factors on cognition in later life

 Emily Graff

  • Department: Sociology
  • Supervisors: Sarah Wagner, Tamara Humphrey
  • Research Interests: Older adults' autonomy; long term care; social constructions of age; older adults' experience in victimization; science and technology studies

 Maddie Gregory

  • Department: Psychology
  • Supervisor: Theone Paterson
  • Research Interests: Healthy aging; cognitive reserve; predictors of cognitive decline; psychological health

YunYong Guo

  • Department: Computer Science
  • Supervisor: Sudhakar Ganti
  • Research Interests: Telehealth; making technology accessible and impactful; health care access for aging populations

Kareen Hall

  • Department: Health Information Science
  • Supervisor:Karen Courtney
  • Research Interests: Older adults; older adults and the intersection with digital health and health equity

Negar Hassanzadeh

  • Department: Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education
  • Supervisor:David Kennedy
  • Research Interests: Stroke rehabilitation; geriatric rehabilitation intervention; delivering medical care to the elderly

Heather Hollman

  • Department: School of Exercise Science, Physical & Health Education
  • Supervisor: Ryan Rhodes
  • Research Interests: Physical activity; digital health; pregnancy and postpartum health; lumbopelvic pain; low back pain; pelvic girdle pain; health behaviours; family physical activity; psychology of physical activity

Jaymelyn Hubert

  • Department: Nursing
  • Supervisor: Mariko Sakamoto
  • Research Interests: Intergenerational housing; aging in place; access to nurisng education; racism and discrimination innuring and health care; youth and mental health care; health care systems

Cole Kennedy

  • Department: Psychology
  • Supervisor:Mauricio Garcia-Barrera
  • Research Interests: Neuropsychiatric outcomes of acquired brain injury; interventions for concurrent acquired brain injury and mental health/substance use disorders; traumatic brain injury in marginalized populations

 Marshall Kilduff 

  • Department: Social Dimensions of Health
  • Supervisors: Nathan Lachowsky, Bernie Pauly
  • Research Interests: 2SLGBTQ+ homelessness, particularly among youth and seniors

 Sean Kiley

  • Department: Music Composition & Psychology
  • Supervisors: Anthony Tan, Stuart MacDonald
  • Research Interests: Perception of time and memory; engagement with environment; factors that influence our perception and alter our states of mind; methods to enhance and optimize mind and body coherence so that alternative forms of healing may occur; cognitive disorders; attention deficit disorder

 Amy Kim

  • Department: Health Information Science
  • Supervisor: Abdul Roudsari
  • Research Interests: Mental health and addiction; clinical decision support; digital health; use of psilocybin to target modifiable risk factors for dementia

 McKenna Knox

  • Department: Psychology
  • Supervisor: Emily Haigh
  • Research Interests: Healthy aging in Indigenous populations; dementia prevention

 Heather Kwan

  • Department: Psychology
  • Supervisor:Jodie Gawryluk
  • Research Interests: Using neuroimaging to understand both healthy and pathological aging; Alzheimer's disease; impact of various risk factors and their influence on outcomes of aging

 Colleen Lacey

  • Department: Psychology
  • Supervisor:Jodie Gawryluk
  • Research Interests: Using neuroimaging and neuropsychological assessment measures to better understand healthy aging processes and neuropsychological conditions; investigating the use of non-pharmaceutical treatment (e.g. exercise) for neuropsychological conditions

 Adrienne Lagura

  • Department: Nursing
  • Supervisor:Dzifa Dordunoo
  • Research Interests: Adult cardiology; public health; transplant; health equity

 Victor Lau

  • Department: Division of Medical Sciences
  • Supervisor: Marie-Ève Tremblay
  • Research Interests: Cellular senescence and aging; neuroimmune interactions and pharmacological treatments; role of glial cells in neurodegenerative disease and psychiatric disorders

 Kate Leahy

  • Department: Nursing
  • Supervisor:Kelli Stajduhar
  • Research Interests: Supporting health in vulnerable and marginalized populations including those experiencing systemic inequities; end of life care and quality of life; health and wellness for the 2SLGBTQ+ populations; health longevity and wellness

 Maybins Lengwe

  • Department: Computer Science
  • Supervisor: Jens Weber
  • Research Interests: Digital health; visualization; human computer interaction

 Cindy Li

  • Department: Health Information Science
  • Supervisor: Elizabeth Borycki
  • Research Interests: Smart homes; diabetes self-management using smart homes; theory of planned behaviour; self-efficacy theory

 Cameron Lindsay

  • Department: Health Information Science
  • Supervisor: Karen Courtney
  • Research Interests: Novel telehealth methodologies to improve access to Ear/Nose/Throat specialist services; use of health care proxies by ENT specialists for consultations, including use of specialized equipment

 Sophia Mastrangelo

  • Department: Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education
  • Supervisor: David Kennedy
  • Research Interests: Stroke assessment and recovery; chronic and persistent pain

 Cindy McDowell

  • Department: Psychology
  • Supervisor: Stuart MacDonald
  • Research Interests: Individual differences and cognitive health in the aging population; biological predictors of cognitive decline; risk and preventative factors; dementia symptom reduction reduction and social cognitive lifestyle interventions

 Ashley Mollison

  • Department: Social Dimensions of Health
  • Supervisor: Kelli Stajduhar
  • Research Interests: Palliative and end-of-life care; poverty and homelessness; equity-informed care; harm reduction

 Jamie Morrison

  • Department: Division of Medical Sciences
  • Supervisor: Brian Christie
  • Research Interests: Brain injury and interventions for recovery; effects of cognitive training interventions on blood biomarkers and cognition in adults with acquired brain injuries

 Edith Munene

  • Department: Social Dimensions of Health
  • Supervisor: Denise Cloutier
  • Research Interests: Aging; immigrant older adults; equity; digital health/technology; ethnocultural minorities; gender; health services research; policy and systems; quality improvement

 Colin Murray

  • Department: Division of Medical Sciences
  • Supervisor: Marie-Ève Tremblay
  • Research Interests: Impact of cannabis use on glial cells; impact of cannabis use on the regulation of myelination in the adult, specifically the aging brain

 Dennis Natembeya

  • Department: Health Information Science
  • Supervisor: Karen Courtney
  • Research Interests: Gerontology; social isolation in seniors; community health and home health monitoring solutions

 Lisa Olhauser

  • Department: Psychology
  • Supervisor:Jodie Gawryluk      
  • Research Interests: Neuropsychology; healthy aging; cognitive rehabilitation

 Ashleigh Parker

  • Department: Psychology
  • Supervisor: Jodie Gawryluk
  • Research Interests: Neuropsychology; neuroimaging through MRI; Alzheimer’s disease; subjective cognitive decline

 Rebecca Phillips

  • Department: Division of Medical Sciences
  • Supervisor: Brian Christie
  • Research Interests: Neural mechanism underlying effect of standardized equine assisted therapy intervention on stress resilience; executive function in autism

 Brady Reive

  • Department: Division of Medical Sciences
  • Supervisor: Hector Caruncho, Lisa Kalynchuk
  • Research Interests: Neuroscience

 Aleah Ross

  • Department: Exercise Science, Physical & Health Education
  • Supervisor: Ryan Rhodes
  • Research Interests: Health psychology; physical activity and health behaviours; clinical populations

 Melissa Roumanis

  • Department: Exercise Science, Physical & Health Education
  • Supervisor: David Kennedy
  • Research Interests: Chronic pain

 Sanjit Roy

  • Department: Social Dimensions of Health
  • Supervisor: Rebecca Waburton (?)
  • Research Interests: Healthy aging; quality of life for people living with Alzheimer and related dementias

 Leo Rutherford

  • Department: Public Health and Social Policy
  • Supervisor:Nathan Lachowsky
  • Research Interests: Transgender health and well-being; trans and non-binary populations; gender-affirming care; community-based patient-oriented research

 Vanessa Scarapicchia

  • Department: Psychology
  • Supervisor: Jodie Gawryluk
  • Research Interests: Using neuroimaging technology to better understand and prevent environmental and physiological factors that contribute to age-related cognitive decline 

 Morgan Schaeffer

  • Department: Psychology
  • Supervisor: Theone Paterson
  • Research Interests: Determining psychological variables which may predict cognitive decline in older adults (e.g. personality traits; non-pharmacological interventions for preventing/reversing cognitive decline such as psycho-education, mindfulness)

 Poonam Seghal

  • Department: Nursing
  • Supervisors: Jae-Yung Kwon, Kelli Stajduhar
  • Research Interests: Artificial intelligence in long term care homes to detect early signs of decline in order to prevent transfers to the emergency departments; aging; preventative measures to keep older individuals living well in their homes

 Kimberly Shapkin

  • Department: Nursing
  • Supervisor:Esther Sangster-Gormely
  • Research Interests: Decision making in older adults; living well with dementia

 Emmet Sihoe

  • Department: Psychology
  • Supervisor: Megan Ames
  • Research Interests: The relationship between health behaviours, digital media use and mental health outcomes in youth

 Elly Simper

  • Department: Nursing
  • Supervisor: Kelli Stajduhar
  • Research Interests: Equitable, comprehensive palliative care for older adults facing system disadvantages; gaps in end-of-life caregiving

Emma Skaug

  • Department: Division of Medical Sciences
  • Supervisors: Brian Christie, Kurt Smith
  • Research Interests: Effect of hormones on cognitive function

Taylor Snowden-Richardson

  • Department: Division of Medical Sciences
  • Supervisor: Brian Christie
  • Research Interests: Aging; dementia; traumatic brain injury

Katie Sternig

  • Department: Psychology
  • Supervisor: Jodie Gawryluk
  • Research Interests: Neurodegenerative diseases; brain function and behaviour; brain health

 Alexandra (Lexy) Stewart

  • Department: Social Dimensions of Health
  • Supervisors: Kelli Stajduhar, Denise Cloutier
  • Research Interests: Older adults; aging in place; aging; older women; vulnerable populations; pathways into homelessness; community health services; end-of-life care

 Jay Tang

  • Department: Social Dimensions of Health
  • Supervisors: Nathan Lachowsky, Simon Carroll
  • Research Interests: 2SLGBTQ+health; mental health; disability justices; medical assistance in dying; suicide; 2SLGBTQ+ community care; discrimination in healthcare

Natasha Tat

  • Department: Exercise Science, Physical & Health Education
  • Supervisors: Sam Liu
  • Research Interests: Virtual reality interventions; cognitive health; cognitive decline prevention; gamified interventions; digital health; adult physical health

Luc Taylor

  • Department: Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education
  • Supervisor: Kurt Smith
  • Research Interests: Brain health decline in early aging and subsequent consequences throughout the lifespan; brain blood flow response as a measure of brain health during exercise or metabolic stimulus; the lifelong impact of recalcitrant cerebrovascular aging in disease treatment and prevention

 Audrey Tung

  • Department: Geography
  • Supervisor: Denise Cloutier 
  • Research Interests: Homelessness in older women; social justice; social policy; human rights; social determinants of health

 Baeleigh VanderZwaag

  • Department: Psychology
  • Supervisor: Mauricio Garcia-Barrera
  • Research Interests: Brain injury (particularly concussion) treatment; neurorehabilitation; brain health; alternative therapies/treatments

 Rebecca Vendittelli

  • Department: Psychology
  • Supervisor: Scott Hofer
  • Research Interests: Use of a mobile-based assessment application to measure psychosocial and lifestyle variables as well as cognition

 Jeremy Viczko

  • Department: Psychology
  • Supervisor: Collette Smart
  • Research Interests: Clinical psychology; neuropsychology; self-regulation neuroscience; sleep and memory; mindfulness; meditation

 Evangeline Wagner

  • Department: Health Information Science
  • Supervisor: Elizabeth Borycki
  • Research Interests: At home assisted living; dementia care for patients and caregivers at home

 Mattie Walker

  • Department: Public Health and Social Policy
  • Supervisor: Nathan Lachowsky
  • Research Interests: Trans, Two Spirit and non-binary mental health; safety in the trauma support contexts for gender diverse populations; gender diverse young people; gender-based violence; community-based trauma supports and violence response

 Catherine Webster

  • Department: Health Informatics 
  • Supervisors: Frances Lau; Jae-Yung Kwon
  • Research Interests: Nursing informatics; telehealth; interoperability across health regions; perceptions of HER adoption by clinical staff

 Alex Wells

  • Department: Public Health and Social Policy
  • Supervisor: Nathan Lachowsky
  • Research Interests: Role of LGBTQ2S recreational sports teams and leagues in supporting the health and wellbeing of LGBTQ2S individuals and communities; intergenerational nature of LGBTQ2S sports teams and leagues

 Fiona Williams

  • Department: Chemistry
  • Undergraduate
  • Research Interests: Memorized dance; music and memory in aging adults

 Amanda Willms

  • Department: Exercise Science, Physical & Health Education
  • Supervisor: Sam Liu 
  • Research Interests: Promoting physical activity and lifelong health through mHealth solutions and financial incentives as extrinsic motivators

Sammi Wong

  • Department: Psychology
  • Supervisor: Kelci Harris
  • Research Interests: youth well-being; friendship; personality; intrinsic and extrinsic motivation; education; community-engaged research

Marcela Zamudio

  • Department: Public Health and Social Policy
  • Supervisor: Nathan Lachowsky
  • Research Interests: Social determinants of health among low-income 2SLGBTQQIA+ individuals 

JiaRui Zhu

  • Department: Public Health and Social Policy
  • Supervisor: Denise Cloutier
  • Research Interests: Healthy aging; senior immigrants; social justice; green space; social determinants of health; urban planning; feminism; digital storyteling; social media; qualitative research

Sasha Zinovich

  • Department: Sociology
  • Supervisor: Andre Smith
  • Research Interests: Impact of social influences on healthcare decisions; inequalities in access to healthcare; social influences on moral regulation and ethical behaviour

Associate Members

Associate Members are retired UVic researchers who are interested in aging and/or lifelong health; former IALH Student Affiliates who have completed their degree(s) and are still conducting research on aging and/or lifelong health; post-doctoral fellows who are conducting research on aging and/or lifelong health with a supervisor associated with a non-UVic academic setting; researchers associated with a non-UVic academic setting; individuals associated with a community-based organization focusing on lifelong health and/or aging; or organizations that are interested in supporting research on lifelong health and/or aging.



Camille Angus

Epidemiologist & Research Affiliate, Department of Psychology, University of Victoria

Research interests: population health, optimal aging, cognitive health, social determinants of health, quality of life, health measurement, intersectionality, longitudinal methods, research data protection & sharing, authorship practices, research capacity development

 Elisabeth Antifeau

Regional Clinical Nurse Specialist, Palliative Care

Interior Health 

Carl Asche

Research Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine

University of Illinois

Laura Booi

Social Gerontologist; Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Dementia Research, Leeds Beckett University

Arlene Carson


AJ Carson Consulting & Research

Neena Chappell

Professor Emeritus, University of Victoria

Founding Director of IALH

Heather Cooke

Alzheimer Society of BC

Chris Corbett

CSCW (Victoria)

Sarah-Louise Decrausaz

Social Sciences Faculty Grant Officer, University of Victoria

Erin Donald

Huron Hospice

Naheed Dosani

St. Michael's Hospital at Unity Health, Toronto; Inner City Health Associates Kensington Health

Elizabeth Dow


Dow Consulting in Gerontology

Nicole Fairbrother 

University of British Columbia, University of Victoria; Women's Health Research Institute 

Monika Fernández Alonso

Osakidetza-Basque Health Service, Biobizkaia Health Research Institute

Elaine Gallagher

Professor Emeritus, University of Victoria

Former IALH Director

Taylor Hainstock

BC SUPPORT Unit - Vancouver Island Centre (Victoria)

 Arne Hetherington 

Independent researcher

Sherin Jamal 

Public Health & Social Policy, University of Victoria

Research Interests: Immigrant, ethno-cultural and visible minority older adults' access to care; equity-oriented palliative approaches to care; long-term residential care; health services research

Sharon Koehn

Adjunct Professor, Department of Gerontology 

Simon Fraser University

 Principal, Sharon Koehn Research Consulting

Amanda Leddy

Island Health

Tammy Maclean

Postdoctoral Researcher, Dalla Lana School of Public Health

University of Toronto

Jessica Percy Campbell

Independant Researcher 

Aging and technology; marketing towards seniors; technological solutions

Shaina Raza

CIHR Health Systems Impact Fellow, Public Health Ontario 

& University of Toronto

Kaitlyn Roland

University of Victoria Research Services

Research Interests: Parkinson's disease; dementia; caregiving; functional ability; activities of daily living; long-term care

Vicky Scott

Clinical Professor, School of Poulation and Public Health

University of British Columbia

Debra Sheets


Professor Emeritus, University of Victoria

Research Interests: Healthy aging; technologies to support older adults; community-based interventions to support the independence of individuals with dementia; caregiver supports

Stacey Voll


Laura Tamblyn Watts

Founder & CEO, CanAge

Amanda Webber

UVic Graduate, Masters of Psychology

Research Interests: executive functioning; TBI and concussions; modeling cognitive and daily functioning over time; impacts of COVID-19 on well-being

Sarah Yardley

The Churchill Fellowship

Sascha Zuber

Centre for the Interdisciplinary Study of Gerontology and Vulnerabilities, University of Geneva

Alison Ziesel

UVic Graduate, Former IALH Student Affiliate

Research Interests:  Biological basis of aging; RNA expression, structure and function