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Etalew̓txʷ | ÁTOL,ÁUTW̱ | Centre of respect for the rights of one another and all beings


Our Response to the BC DRIPA Action Plan

Xʷkʷənəŋistəl | W̱ȻENEṈISTEL | Helping to move each other forward, released in 2023, is one of many strategic planning documents that expresses the University of Victoria’s commitment and responsibility to support the implementation of British Columbia’s Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People Act (BC DRIPA) Action Plan (2022-2027).

This appendix to Xʷkʷənəŋistəl | W̱ȻENEṈISTEL outlines how the renewed Indigenous Plan aligns with this recently released provincial strategy.

The commitments of the BC Provincial Government articulated by the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act (DRIPA) are further specified and implemented through the BC DRIPA Action Plan. Several of the strategic priorities of UVic’s Indigenous Plan are aligned with provincial commitments to supporting and strengthening Indigenous education. These alignments are indicated in-text and summarized in Table 1, below.

2.6 1.4.1b
3.3 1.1.4 | 3.1.2 | 3.2.1c | 3.4.1a-c
3.4 1.2.1 | 1.2.2
3.5  4.2.3 | 4.2.4
3.8  1.1.4
3.14  4.4.1
4.2  2.1.1a, c-d | 4.1.4a-c
4.4  2.1.1a-f
4.5a  1.2.3 | 1.2.4 | 2.2.2 | 4.2.1 | 4.2.2 | 4.3.2
4.5c  4.1.1
4.5d  3.1.1a | 4.1.2 | 4.4.2
4.5e  4.1.2 | 4.4.2
4.27  1.4.1c
4.30  1.2.5

Table 1: BC DRIPA Action Plan Alignments with the renewed Indigenous Plan 2023.

Engagement Analysis

This report provides an overview of the engagement process and details how the Indigenous Plan Steering Circle (IPSC) worked to ensure that Xʷkʷənəŋistəl | W̱ȻENEṈISTEL reflects what was shared. While maintaining the anonymity of engagement participants, this appendix breaks down the themes and priorities that repeatedly emerged during engagement sessions.  

University Planning & Alignments

Look to the existing and emerging initiatives and goals that have been articulated in major institutional plans like: 

These plans, along with the operational plans that direct our daily activities, have been created by the UVic community and guide us as a community and an institution toward fulfilling the shared purpose, pledge, principles and priorities articulated in the strategic plan. 

The renewed Indigenous Plan exists within an ecosystem of institutional planning documents, each with Indigenous-specific goals and calls to action. This briefing document identifies points of overlap as well as gaps within Xʷkʷənəŋistəl | W̱ȻENEṈISTEL that are addressed elsewhere.

Indigenous Plan 5 Year Report

In November 2022, the Office of the Vice-President Indigenous requested that faculties, schools, divisions and units share their achievements with respect to the goals and priorities of the first Indigenous Plan (2017-2022). They also supported the collection of baseline data relevant for measuring the implementation of Xʷkʷənəŋistəl | W̱ȻENEṈISTEL | Helping to move each other forward (2023), UVic’s new Indigenous Plan.

This 5-year report includes: (i) a summary of high-level Indigenous Plan achievements, (ii) demographic information shared by reporting units, and (iii) unit-level initiatives within several target areas. With the intention of further identifying strengths, challenges and areas for growth within these target areas, this report also reflects the concerns and aspirations shared by Indigenous members of the university community during engagement sessions for Xʷkʷənəŋistəl | W̱ȻENEṈISTEL, which took place from 2022 to 2023.