Goals & priorities
The process of renewing the Indigenous Plan was guided by the Indigenous Plan Steering Circle (IPSC) with leadership from the Office of the Vice-President Indigenous and membership from Indigenous faculty, staff, students and leadership across the university. The IPSC met at least once a month for over a year to develop a robust engagement strategy to incorporate the needs, interests, values, aspirations and knowledges of Indigenous students, staff, faculty, Elders and local community leaders. We prioritized engaging with Indigenous people, who carry knowledge from lived experiences of navigating colonial systems, resisting barriers and identifying meaningful pathways within the university.
Aligning goals
Bringing together and translating these hundreds of engagement responses into strategic priorities, the Steering Circle worked on aligning goals with existing institutional plans, broadening the resonance, relevance, and actionability of all priorities, and enhancing measurability.
Our approach to engaging the UVic community and drafting the renewed Indigenous Plan was purposefully connected to align with with the process of creating the UVic Strategic Plan (2023 Forward). An extensive joint consultation process through the spring of 2022 was designed to ensure the priorities of this plan meet the needs and aspirations of diverse members of the university community. Seeking additional and continuing guidance, in the spring of 2023 we brought drafts of the Indigenous Plan back to a broad range of engagement participants for review and revision.

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