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Etalew̓txʷ | ÁTOL,ÁUTW̱ | Centre of respect for the rights of one another and all beings


Tracking our Progress

Key to the implementation of this plan is keeping track of the work that is being done. By mapping out the paths being cleared, we are setting ourselves up to better sustain, connect and expand a growing range of projects and initiatives.

Reporting allows us to assess our progress in alignment with our strategic goals. By measuring key performance indicators against predefined goals, we ensure that our efforts are consistently directed to helping to move each other forward.

Reporting Frameworks

To determine the impact and success of this plan, the IPSC and Office of the Vice-President Indigenous (OVPI) have worked to collect baseline data from reporting units. The OVPI will continue to work with faculties, divisions and units to support and track the implementation of university’s commitments to redress barriers in post-secondary institutions and to honour Indigenous ways of knowing and being in education, research and governance.

We are currently developing a reporting framework for faculties, offices and divisions across campus to share their unit-specific action plans and annually reflect on progress within each priority area. A detailed summary report, prepared yearly, will share these accomplishments and identify areas for continued growth. This reporting process will be strengthened through the development of co-measurement strategies in partnership with relevant data-collecting offices.

Implementation Resources

Keep an eye on this page for the upcoming release of our reporting templates and implementation resources. We're excited to empower you with tools that align with our commitment to transparency, accountability and informed decision-making.

Aligning our Paths Forward

This renewed Indigenous Plan is informed by a number of university, provincial, national and international frameworks. In addition to consulting university planning documents that offer area-specific guidance, we encourage members of the university community to engage with the calls to action and justice accompanying the Truth and Reconciliation Report (2015) and the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (2019).

Many of the priorities identified in this plan support, and expand on, our responsibility to implement the recently released BC Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous People Act (DRIPA) Action Plan. These alignments are indicated throughout the text of the goals and a summary is available here,