Justice Jeff Oliphant

Adjunct professor

Faculty of Law
University of Victoria
PO Box 1700, STN CSC
Victoria, BC  V8W 2Y2

Justice Jeff Oliphant was called to the Manitoba bar in 1967, and spent the following 20 years in a private firm working on criminal and civil litigation cases, with many of those being labour arbitrations through the Province of Manitoba. He spent seven years as Vice-Chairman, then Chairman of the Manitoba Police Commission and served on the Board of Directors of Legal Aid Manitoba.

In 1985, Jeff was appointed as a Justice of the Court of Queen's Bench in Manitoba where he served until 2008 when he resigned as Associate Chief Justice and became a supernumerary judge of the Court. In 2008, Justice Oliphant was appointed by Prime Minister Harper as Commissioner to head the public inquiry into the Schreiber/Mulroney business and financial dealings. In 2012 he was appointed as a deputy judge of the Supreme Court of Yukon and the Supreme Court of the Northwest Territories.

Justice Oliphant has lectured at the University of Manitoba, Concordia University and the University of Victoria, where he also volunteers as a mentor.

  • Civil Procedure (307B)