Online Public Lecture: Greening Social Work During the Time of Covid-19
Dr. Lena Dominelli
University of Stirling, UK
Public Lecture: "Greening Social Work During the Time of Covid-19"
Professor Lena Dominelli, Ph.D, holds a Chair in Social Work at the University of Stirling in Scotland. She was previously Co-Director at the Institute of Hazards, Risk and Resilience (2010-2016) at Durham University. She has a specific interest in projects on climate change and extreme weather events including drought, floods, cold snaps; wild fires; earthquakes, volcanic eruptions; disaster interventions; vulnerability and resilience; community engagement; coproduction and participatory action research. Her research projects include funding from the ESRC, EPSRC, NERC, the Department of International Development and Welcome Trust. Lena is a prolific writer and has published widely in social work, social policy and sociology. She currently chairs the IASSW Committee on Disaster Interventions, Climate Change and Sustainability and has represented the social work profession at the United Nations discussions on climate change, since Cancun, Mexico in 2010. She has received various honours for her work. Her current research interests focus on green social work perspectives and disaster interventions including in climate change.
Time: Dec 10, 2020 01:00 PM PST
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