Financial support

Applied Theatre students perform a piece commissioned by UVic’s Provost’s Diversity Research Forum


For a  summary of the various costs of your graduate degree – from tuition to ancillary fees for health insurance and bus passes – visit Graduate Studies. 

University Fellowships and Awards

University Fellowships are awarded annually by the Faculty of Graduate Studies (no application required). To be considered for a fellowship, students must submit their application to Graduate Studies before the fellowship deadline.  They must also have a minimum GPA average of 7.0 (UVic scale = approx. A- average, or 80%) in your last two undergraduate years and in every graduate year. 

The Graduate Awards can range from $5,000-$10,000 per year. No application is required and the department will notify students who have been selected.

Teaching assistantships

Various TA positions are available in the department. Normally positions are offered to students in the first two years of their program. Positions are funded from anywhere from 80 to 110 hours, ranging from $2000 - $3300 per term. Students will be contacted when positions are available. 


Numerous  scholarships and bursaries are administered through Graduate Studies.