Snow or extreme weather
In the event of snow or extreme weather, check the UVic home page for current information. We'll update there about safety precautions, service disruptions, class cancellations and campus closure. Information will also be posted on UVic’s social media channels.
Campus closure
A campus closure only applies to activities that must occur on the physical campus.
Online classes and administrative activities being conducted remotely will continue. Please contact your instructor or supervisor if you’re not sure if a campus closure affects you.
Many factors inform the university's decision whether to keep the physical campus open or to close it during inclement weather. Campus Security and Facilities Management monitor:
- BC Transit, confirming major bus routes to campus are operating
- conditions on campus, including roads, pathways and parking lots
- current and forecasted weather conditions
- regional road reports
- messaging from the police agencies in the four core municipalities on travel restrictions
Based on their findings, a recommendation is made to university executive. UVic only interrupts regular operations under exceptional circumstances.
Campus closure due to snow
A campus closure due to snow is not an emergency. An immediate departure from campus is not required.
We encourage everyone on campus to wind down their in-person activities once they learn of the announced closure. Online classes and administrative activities being conducted remotely will continue.
During a closure, only on-campus services necessary for the continued operation and safety of campus will be staffed.
UVic instructors have the option of cancelling, rescheduling or moving their class online. Instructors are responsible for communicating with their students about their plans regarding classes during the closure. For exams, UVic follows the exam cancellation policy.
Managers should ensure that any employees who are required to work on campus are notified as soon as possible so they can make plans for safe travel.
Tips and reminders
- When severe weather is predicted or occurring, check the UVic home page for any advisories.
- Wear appropriate clothing—including footwear—suitable for the conditions. Stay visible.
- Plan ahead and make safe choices for travel to and from campus.
- If your vehicle is not equipped for winter driving conditions, use other transportation options.
- Allow extra travel time. Use main routes as these will be cleared of snow first.
- Use the main entrances to campus buildings. These will be cleared of snow and ice first.
- Report unsafe conditions to Campus Security at 250-721-7599.
- Be patient. Facilities Management staff will work as quickly as possible to clear snow and ice according to campus priorities.
- If working alone familiarize yourself with the Campus Alone program.
Snow response plan
Facilities Management manages snow and ice clearing on campus. Our snow clearing response plan identifies and prioritizes areas for snow removal:
- roadways
- accessibility and high priority pathways
- building entrances
- emergency fire lanes
- campus bus loop
- parking areas
Facilities Management staff will work as quickly as possible to clear snow and ice according to these priorities.