Active threat

Know what to do during an active threat. Get Out. Hide. Fight.

Active threat

Winter Weather

Learn what to do if the campus is affected by disrupting winter weather.

Winter Weather

UVic SafetyApp

Stay Safe. Try out the new Friend Walk feature. Get the UVic SafetyApp.

UVic SafetyApp

Evacuating a building

If you need to evacuate a building, look for your Building and Floor Emergency Coordinators, visible in their orange vests. They can guide you to pre-designated safe areas known as building assembly sites.

Evacuating a building

What to do when all eyes are on you

Review our emergency preparedness checklists for faculty, instructors, facilitators and presenters to ensure you know what to do in an emergency situation.

What to do when all eyes are on you

Emergency Planning

UVic is committed to providing a safe campus for all students, faculty, staff, and guests. Emergency management at UVic encourages people to take steps to be personally prepared for emergencies and disasters. To help prepare the university it has created specialized plans and teams to help our campus respond to major emergencies and to recover quickly from unexpected disruptions. There are over 600 staff, faculty and students involved in a variety of emergency response teams. Every member of the campus community has a role to play by being informed and prepared. Please have a look at the information found in this website and learn how you can be prepared for a variety of emergencies on campus.

For more information, contact the Manager of Emergency Planning here.