Contact emergency planning

Emergency Planning Manager
Phone: 250-721-6355

The Emergency Planning Manager is responsible for emergency management programs on campus including the development and implementation of emergency response plans. The Manager works closely with the Executive, key administrative and operational groups, and external partners to build UVic's organizational capacity to respond to emergency situations.

For information about campus health and safety policies and procedures, visit the Department of Occupational Health, Safety & Environment website.

Emergency assistance

I need... Call For
Immediate assistance for a fire, police or medical incident 9 1 1 Emergency assistance from ambulance or fire/police departments
On-campus security concerns and first aid 250-721-7599 Campus Security Services (24-hour service)
A security escort to walk safely between campus buildings or to my vehicle 250-721-7599 SafeWalk (a 24-hour service of Campus Security)
To talk to someone immediately (e.g. due to an emotional crisis or thoughts of suicide) 1-888-494-3888 Vancouver Island Crisis Line
Assistance or information about sexual assault or sexual abuse (women, trans, Two-Spirit and gender diverse people) 250-383-3232 Victoria Sexual Assault Centre
Support to heal from the effects of trauma (men) 250-381-6367 Men's Trauma Centre
Help because someone has been poisoned by a medicine, chemical or other substance 1-800-567-8911
BC Poison Control Centre
Information about a major on-campus incident 250-721-8620
(toll free within North America)
Recorded information updates from the UVic Emergency Information Line

Twitter updates

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