Visiting research fellowships (non-stipendiary)
The Centre for Studies in Religion and Society (CSRS) at the University of Victoria welcomes applications from scholars in Canada and abroad for a visiting research fellowship. Fellows typically stay between two to twelve months; however, the centre will consider requests for terms of any length, as approval is conditional on space availability in a given year.
Application Deadline - Ongoing, though we prefer to assess applications in late November and mid-May.
Notes for non-Canadian applicants: we suggest that non-Canadian passport holders apply for the fellowship well in advance with time flexibility as visa process may take longer than expected. Please visit here for more information.
To provide research space and an environment conducive to writing and reflection to scholars working on research projects related to religion and society.
In accord with the centre’s mandate (see:, projects must involve the scholarly study of religion in relation to any aspect of society and culture, both contemporary and historical. This includes, but is not limited to, critical examinations of religious themes in the areas of ethics, health, environment, public policy, technology, human conflict, art, literature, the media, law, philosophy or the natural sciences. We welcome applications from individuals immersed in any academic discipline.
Canadian and international scholars; emeritus scholars; new scholars; scholars on sabbatical leave from their regular academic appointments.
Office space at the CSRS on the University of Victoria campus; access to UVic’s libraries and special collections; enhanced opportunities for research networking and exchange. Fellows will have access to a mailbox located in the CSRS, scanner, and photocopier services, and opportunities to participate in all CSRS social and academic activities to expand applicants’ networks.
This is a non-stipendiary appointment, with no cash value. Successful applicants must secure their own research funding to cover other costs associated with visa applications, health insurance, travel and accommodations. Applicants may be eligible for a travel bursary of up to $1,500CAD. NOTE: Fellows are asked to make their own arrangements for housing, and are encouraged to begin this process well in advance of their visit to Victoria. Please visit this page for advice.
Visiting research fellows are expected to be willing to give a public lecture on a theme in the area of their research (time and space permitting), to take advantage of the private office space provided in the centre, and attend the regular activities of the CSRS (e.g., daily informal meetings over coffee and tea to discuss topics related to religion and society, weekly public lectures of other centre fellows). Fellows do not need to participate in all events but are encouraged to be involved in the thriving academic and social life of the centre.
Application Procedure
Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis via email and should include:
- a current CV;
- this completed Visiting Fellowship application form;
- two PDF letters of support sent directly to the CSRS at The centre may also solicit the opinions of other referees.
Please note that any research involving human subjects will require approval of the UVic Human Ethics Review Board and/or the review board of another institution. Applications are reviewed by the CSRS Program Committee in November and May. All materials should be submitted via email to indicating attention to Dr. Paul Bramadat, Director.
Notes for non-Canadian applicants: we suggest that non-Canadian applicants be flexible with their fellowship timing as they may need Canadian visa to attend the fellowship in person. The visa process might take up to one year.