Alcohol and other drug screening and education

Funding body

BC Mental Health and Substance Use Services, a program of the Provincial Health Services Authority


Alcohol and other drug screening and education is an ongoing project aimed at extending the reach of assessment tools and harm reduction information to help more people in BC take greater control over their health in regard to substance use. We promote the idea that screening can function as a tool for self-management. This led us to develop a range of online screening tools that promote reflection and encourage self-directed action. We have also developed paper-based screening tools that, rather than function as a precursor to diagnosis, provide a gateway to conversation between people who use substances and supportive individuals. These various screening and brief intervention materials have been developed for adults and teens. The project is nested within the Beyond the Blues education and screening days component of the Education Events project of BC Partners for Mental Health and Substance Use Information.

In 2021-2022 our contributions included:

  • Participation on the Education Events stewardship team
  • Participation on the Beyond the Blues planning group
  • Contribution to webinars orienting volunteer clinicians to screening at Beyond the Blues sites
  • Continued provision of support documents to guide Beyond the Blues site recruits and visitors in thinking and talking about substance (esp. alcohol) use

For a complete list of CISUR publications related to this project see Screening and brief intervention tools.

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