Healthy Minds | Healthy Campuses

Funding body

BC Mental Health and Substance Use Services, a program of the Provincial Health Services Authority


Healthy Minds | Healthy Campuses

is a province-wide community-of-practice promoting campus mental health supported by BC Partners for Mental Health and Substance Use Information. The project, which began in 2005, is based on the notion that success in a post-secondary institution, as in any setting, requires attending to the collective well-being of the campus itself as well as the well-being of its individual members. It also embraces the notion that health promotion involves building the capacity of individuals and communities to take increased control of their own health and well-being. The project is directed by a Leadership Committee made up of campus representatives assisted by a Support Team from CISUR and the Canadian Mental Health Association (BC Division).

In 2021-2022 our involvements included:

  • Helping the Leadership Committee to increasingly exercise its oversight operations in fulfilment of its mandate
  • Carrying out and reporting on activities outlined in the Support Team annual workplan, reflecting goals and objectives articulated in the HM|HC Strategic Plan
    • encouraging and supporting activation of the Okanagan Charter on our campuses
    •  facilitating meaningful engagement of students as peers in HM|HC initiatives
    • preparing for and co-hosting HM|HC Talks learning events as opportunities for dialogue
    •  contributing to HM|HC e-newsletter composition and to improvement of the website as critical communication and community connection and capacity building vehicles
    •  assisting in integration of fellow BC Partner, Jessie’s Legacy, in a supportive role in HM|HC
    •   giving impetus toward consistent application of responsive evaluation of HM|HC endeavors
  • Publications prepared
    •   Editorial assistance in the formulation of an HM|HC guide on e-mental health supports on BC post-secondary campuses
    •   Co-authorship of the Mental Health & Well-being Framework for Vancouver Community College
    •   Primary authorship and final draft submission of an invited chapter, Healthy Minds | Healthy Campuses (HM|HC): Promoting mental well-being among postsecondary institutions in BC, for inclusion in the forthcoming book, M. Zangeneh & M. Nouroozifar (Eds.), Post-secondary education student mental health: a global perspective. CDS Press.
  • Presentations given
    •   Alcohol harm reduction within campus community health promotion (a presentation and dialogue session for the Post-secondary Education Partnership–Alcohol Harms [PEP-AH] 2021 western regional webinar series relating to concerns around adverse impact from alcohol use on campus)

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