IdeaFest event a great success!

CAPI’s Ideafest event, Women Crossing Borders: Gender and the Asia Pacific was a standing room only smash hit. Professor Brannen, CAPI’s Japan Chair, hosted the event leveraging the event date—March 3, Girl’s Day in Japan—to set the stage for a thoughtful discussion of women’s roles in the Asia Pacific region. Following a spectacular performance by Victoria's own koto expert, Satomi Edwards, we heard from a panel of speakers who presented their research into various aspects of women's experience in the Asia-Pacific region.
The themes of power and autonomy, what constitutes work, and how that (gendered) work is rewarded and celebrated (or unrecognized) in different contexts and time periods, as well as mobility and lack of mobility were prevalent among all of the presentations.
A full synopsis of the event and panel presentation is now available alongside a short video of Satomi Edwards playing the koto is now available on the event page.