Centre for Academic Communication
We are here to support your learning, offering FREE in-person and online appts! Please check out the CAC supports, information on booking appointments, and resources at UVicLEARN.
The Centre for Academic Communication provides support in the areas of academic writing, reading, and speaking, as well as understanding academic expectations. The CAC also assists Pathways, undergraduate and graduate students with time management and planning, exam preparation, and use of AI tools through cafes, workshops, writing spaces, and individual appointments.
Our tutors are experienced writers who focus on your role in the writing process, allowing you to develop your abilities and confidence as a writer. We have tutors from a variety of disciplines.
Who can use CAC?
Anyone! If you are registered in an undergraduate or graduate program, we are here to help. However, we are unable to help with take-home exams. Students can have two booked and one drop-in appointment per week but have unlimited access to the drop in zone.
What do we do?
- Academic integrity
- Transitions (from other cultures, high school, community college, the workforce and into graduate school)
- Classroom expectations
- Academic text management
- Critical thinking skills
- Text as the basis for writing
- Writing skills
- Writing processes
- Writing to publish
- Writing different kinds of text
- Academic expectations
- Class and oral defense presentations
- Pronunciation support and development
- Practice and feedback sessions