Teaching to impact: A toolkit for embedding Wikipedia editing in Asian Studies curriculum

Dr. Angie Chau (Department of Pacific & Asian Studies) and Ying Liu, the Humanities Librarian for Asian Studies, recently completed a project of embedding Wikipedia editing in Asian Studies curriculum with the help of Tatiana Popova, a graduate student in Asian Studies. The project used the UVic course PAAS 302 as a case study to explore how librarians and instructors cooperate in curriculum design, and to determine  the challenges, barriers and possible solutions in using Wikipedia for experiential learning in Asian Studies courses.

Teaching to Impact: A Toolkit for Embedding Wikipedia Editing in Asian Studies Curriculum was designed and published for any interested instructor or librarian to use, adopt and adapt in their own curriculum design and teaching. The entire toolkit and its appendices are downloadable in both Word and pdf formats, so that users can easily adapt them for their own teaching purposes. We would love to hear your comments and suggestions. 

The project was graciously supported by the “Coming out of COVID” UVic Libraries Strategic Directions Impact Fund 2022-2023.