Josh Manzer

Josh Manzer
Math & Stats Assistance Centre Acting Program Coordinator

Josh Manzer grew up around Saint John, New Brunswick. His passion for teaching began while completing his BSc in math at Mount Allison University, when he had the opportunity to complete a teaching internship and work as a tutorial leader. After obtaining an MSc in math from Memorial University of Newfoundland, he moved across the country to pursue his PhD in math at UVic. His specialization is in graph theory and combinatorics.  Since completing his degree, Josh has taught numerous courses at UVic and Camosun. In his position as Math and Stats Assistance Centre Coordinator, Josh deals with scheduling tutors and improving day-to-day operations.


  • ​Memorial: Math 1000
  • UVic: Math 122, 211, and 222, Stat 252
  • Camosun: Math 072/073, 101, 107, 109, 115, 189, 191, 250A, 252