Academic leaders

The University of Victoria is proud to be known nationally and internationally for its contributions to conversations and innovations in educational leadership in higher education.
We supports and fosters a wide variety of educational leaders in a broad range of contexts both inside and outside the university. We support best practices in teaching assessment, and facilitate program and curriculum design and external review, as well as helping to position academic units and the university to respond effectively to provincial mandates.
Currently we are known for our scholarship in curriculum planning processes, teaching assessment, TA training professional development, innovative approaches to teaching English for academic purposes, learning outcomes assessment, universal instructional design and the provision of large scale student academic learning support in both mathematics and academic writing. We work to celebrate educational leaders through nominations for national awards, we have developed and contributed an online, open source curricular mapping program to the international educational development community, and we jointly developed the first Certificate Program in Canada for graduate students in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education.