Yvonne Haist

Yvonne Haist
Assistant Teaching Professor - Retired 2019
School of Social Work



Somatic Transformation Practitioner, 2006 SEP (Counselling Psychology), FHE, 2003

Professional Information & Research Interests | Education | Courses Developed | Selected Publications | Conference Presentations, Workshops & Keynotes | Community Training, Consultation and Practitioner Support | Ongoing Practice Supervision and Training | Invited Community Presentations | Recent Courses Taught

Professional Information & Research Interests

As an Assistant Teaching Professor, my primary focus is the pedagogy of teaching. Specifically, I cultivate classrooms which facilitate a student’s journey of embodiment and mindfulness, coupling self awareness with a deepening critical practice lens. Over the past decade I have incorporated many resources/practices/methods within my classrooms to facilitate learning which centers intuition, embodiment, use of creativity and imagination.

My professional interests include:

  • The Embodied Practitioner
  • Transforming the Legacy of Trauma
  • The Convergence of Spirituality, Ecology and Ethics in Practice

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Somatic Transformation Practitioner, 2006 SEP (Counselling Psychology), FHE, 2003
M.Ed (Counselling Psychology), University of Victoria, 1996
AdEd Diploma (Adult Education), UBC, 1991
BSW (Social Work), University of Victoria, 1984
ECE Diploma (Early Childhood Education), Capilano College, 1973

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Courses Developed

Course Writer/Developer

  • Working with Trauma in the Human Services (Continuing Education), 2012
  • Working with Trauma (SOCW 533), 2011
  • Collaborative Conversations (SOCW 546), 2010
  • Understanding Oppression (SOCW 311), 2009
  • Working with Trauma (SOCW 433), 2006
  • Integrated Practice Seminar (IPS), 2004

Content Specialist

  • Advanced Social Work Practice (SOCW 413), 2009
  • Collaborative Approaches to Practice (SOCW 312), 2009
  • Collaborative Approaches to Mental Health (SOCW 435), 2005/2006
  • Generalist Practice Course (SOCW 403), 1998

Course Advisory Team

  • Addictions in Society (SOCW 471), 2005/2006
  • Addictions and Change (SOCW 472), 2006
  • Practicum Supervisor's Course, 2005/2006
  • Teaching for Social Justice (SOCW 452), 2006/2006
  • Anti Oppressive Practice (SOCW 323), 2005/2006
  • Anti Oppressive Practice - DE (SOCW 323 DE), 2002/2003

Community Curriculum Development and Consultation

  • Post Baccalaureate certificate in Trauma Work (Justice Institute of British Columbia), 2009

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Selected Publications

Unpublished Publications

  • Haist, Y., and Moir-van Iersel, C. (1999). Allied Across Difference: The Role of the Ally in Anti-Oppressive Practice. 

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Conference Presentations, Workshops and Keynotes

  • The Classroom: A home for practices of embodiment, affect regulation and mindfulness
    The 9th Annual International Conference on Spirituality and Social Work
    Fredricton, NB
    June 2014
  • Polyvagal Theory and Trauma
    The Wellspring Conference: Encounters with Trauma, Hope and Healing
    Vancouver, BC
    October 2013
  • Collaborative Communications: A Meeting of the Minds
    IDP/AIDP/SCD/ASCD Provincial In-Service
    Richmond, BC
    June 2013
  • Vicarious Trauma and Self Care
    Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Health Support Worker Team
    Victoria, BC
    April 2012
  • Neuroscience, Relationships and the Brain
    Within the Circle SAIP conference
    Parksville, BC
    November 2011
  • Women and Homelessness: Facilitating Affect Regulation
    Women and Homelessness North Island Conference
    Campbell River, BC
    March 2011
  • Where do you Belong to?
    Fifth North American Conference on Spirituality and Social Work
    Calgary, AB
    June 2010
  • Earth/body Re-Memberings
    International Eco-conference: Building Bridges, Crossing Boundaries
    Calgary, AB
    May 2009
  • Lessons from the River in Mind/Body/Spiritual Practice
    Third North American Conference on Spirituality and Social Work
    Fredricton, NB
    June 2008

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Community Training, Consultation and Practitioner Supervision

  • Somatics in Complex Trauma
    Justice Institute of BC, New Westminster, BC
    March 2012, April 2014, April 2015
  • Trauma Informed Practice: skills and strategies
    VIHA social workers, Victoria, BC
    April 2014
  • Vicarious Trauma/Vicarious Resilience
    VIHA social workers, Victoria, BC
    March 2014
  • Bringing the body into practice (level one and level two)
    South Okanagan Victim Assistance Society, Penticton, BC
    May 2013, January 2014
  • Affect regulation for chronic pain management
    Cedars Residential Centre, Shawnigan Lake, BC
    February 2012
  • Affect regulation for practitioners working with young parents
    Young Parent's Support Network
    June 2011
  • Affect regulation: level 2
    North Kootenay Lake Community Services, Kaslo, BC
    October 2010
  • Affect regulation in work with victims of violence, abuse, injury and illness
    North Kootenay Lake Community Services, Kaslo, BC
    April 2010
  • Trauma, the body and the autonomic nervous system: Using somatic psychology for resolution and regulation
    Justice Institute of BC, New Westminster, BC
    November 2009

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Ongoing Practice Supervision and Training

  • 2007 - present: Mental health practitioners/psychologists Training in Somatic Transformation work
  • 2006 - 2012: Hillhouse/CRTW practitioners
  • 2006 - present: Dovetail Program Second Stage Housing practitioners
  • 2002 - 2004: Nuu Chah Nulth Mental Health community practitioners: Beginning and Intermediate level Training in Somatic Experiencing
  • 2002 - 2004: Mental health practitioners in Victoria: Beginning and Intermediate level Training in Somatic Experiencing

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Invited Community Presentations

  • Facilitating affect regulation for kids and youth
    Caregiver's Home Program Boys and Girls Club
    June 2013
  • Somatically oriented work with community clients
    Citizen's Counselling Centre
    January 2013
  • Considerations towards our collective future
    Enbridge Northern Gateway Joint Review panel
    January 2013
  • Trauma informed practice with shelter clients
    Cool Aid Society
    December 2012
  • Trauma informed work with street populations
    Our Place
    June 2012
  • Principles of deep democracy
    Victoria Women's Sexual Assault Centre
    December 2011
  • Vicarious trauma and boundaries
    Young Parent's Support Network
    November 2011
  • Principles of deep democracy
    Victoria Women's Sexual Assault Centre
    October 2011
  • Creating safety in a peer support group for young parents
    Young Parent's Support Network
    September 2011
  • Supporting affect regulation for caregivers
    The Lodge at Broadmead
    April 2011
  • Co-regulation in relationships
    Young Parent's Support Network
    March 2011

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Courses Taught

  • SOCW 312 - Collaborative Conversations: Working within Communities
  • SOCW 402 - Social Work Practicum II
  • SOCW 304 - Social Work Practicum I
  • SOCW 413 - Critical Social Work Practices
  • SOCW 433 - Working with Trauma
  • SOCW 533 - Working with Trauma
  • SOCW 546 - Collaborative Conversations

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