Legacy giving

Doris and Harry Stastny Bursary

Behind every legacy gift, whether fulfilled or still to come, there are people like you with fascinating stories.

Bletchley Code Breakers 1945

Behind every legacy gift, whether fulfilled or still to come, there are people like you with fascinating stories.

Hannah Sun

Behind every legacy gift, whether fulfilled or still to come, there are people like you with fascinating stories.

Duane and Peggy Sandmeyer

Behind every legacy gift, whether fulfilled or still to come, there are people like you with fascinating stories.

T. S. McPherson

In 1961, the citizens of Victoria started raising funds for a university. Their efforts were given a huge boost by the legacy of developer Thomas Shanks McPherson. He passed away in 1962 and his bequest of almost three million dollars built the core of the campus we know today.  Many of the university’s founders readily acknowledged that the University of Victoria might not exist at all if it wasn’t for Thomas McPherson.

Just as T. S. McPherson inspired the university's founders, hundreds of donors like you continue to inspire us with your legacy gifts. Your life experiences vary but you all share the common belief that UVic students deserve support now and for generations to come. Read some of the stories behind gifts.

If the idea of this type of gift interests you, staff in the UVic's Legacy Giving office can discuss your options. Our goal is to ensure that your legacy is managed and administered according to your wishes. We can work closely with you and your advisors to capture the true spirit and intent of your gift.

For more information, contact:

Kristy Colpron
Manager, Legacy Giving and Estate Administration
Phone: 250-721-8967

Lauren Stamhuis
Development Officer, Legacy Giving
Phone: 250-721-6001

 Online information request form

All enquiries are kept strictly confidential.

Please consult your income tax, financial, and/or legal advisors before arranging a legacy gift.