Faculty and staff giving

Erin and Lauren, two of UVic's employee donors
From generous financial contributions and donated equipment, to the countless hours spent volunteering or mentoring students, UVic would not be the extraordinary place it is without passionate employee donors.
Join our on-campus giving community
Your gift, no matter the size, can make all the difference to a student in need. Whether you choose to support student scholarships or bursaries, a specific faculty of program, or one of our community outreach programs, you are creating a lasting impact.
Would you like to feed student success?

UVSS Food Bank and Free Store
With the rising costs of housing, childcare and food, the UVSS Food Bank & Free Store provides undergrad and grad students with access to food and essential household items – extra resources are even made available for students supporting families.
This Student Affairs’ annual fundraiser for the UVSS Food Bank & Free Store provides students with basic food and necessities while working to eliminate the stigma around accessing food banks.
Donate here.
Fantastic links
Learn about legacy giving at UVic
Learn about the Monthly Giving Club
See the impact donors have on campus here
Additional questions? Please contact Cortney Baldwin at 250-472-4498 or givingofficer@uvic.ca.