Every gift you make to UVic has an impact
Your donation can encourage students to achieve amazing things. Your donation can inspire researchers to solve big questions. Your donation, quite simply, can change the world.
Holiday closure update
Please note that our office is closed from 12:00 pm on Tuesday, December 24, 2024 and will re-open on Thursday, January 2, 2025 at 8:30 am.
Should you wish to make a donation for the 2024 tax year during our holiday closure, please use one of the following two options:
- Donate by credit card online by Dec. 31 using our secure server.
- Mail a cheque, postmarked no later than Dec. 31, to
Development Office
University of Victoria
PO Box 1700 STN CSC
Victoria, BC V8W 2Y2
For assistance making your donation over the holiday, please call the Development office at 250-721-7624 and leave a message, or email donorcare@uvic.ca. We will be checking these messages daily and will respond to your call or email as soon as possible.
Ways to give
There are many ways to give to suit your needs: online, by mail or by phone. From one-time gifts of cash and monthly recurring gifts, to planned gifts through a will, gifts of securities, or gifts in-kind.
Our priorities
![Our priority](assets/images/photos/home/home-multicolumn-priority.jpg)
You have many options to decide what projects or initiatives you want to support. Check out the current university priorities, or explore giving options for the faculties and units.
Impact of giving
![Impact of giving](assets/images/photos/home/home-multicolumn-impact.jpg)
Your generosity touches the lives of hundreds of students and researchers at UVic everyday. Read more about donor impact through the annual report to donors, or browse this collection of videos and stories.