Legacy giving

Legacy giving
Give one educated gift today, impact countless tomorrows

What are your options?

While a charitable bequest in your will may be your most realistic legacy, there are other options that may be better suited to your philanthropic goals, tax plans and financial needs.

The possibilities include:

Gifts by will

For many people, a charitable bequest in their will is the most realistic option for making a financial contribution while maintaining financial security. The University of Victoria or one of its foundations can be named the beneficiary of a gift of cash, of publicly traded securities, personal property or real estate. There are considerable tax savings for your estate. Please refer to the fact sheet for more detailed information.

fact sheet

Gifts of RRSP and RRIF

By naming the university as the beneficiary of an RRSP or RRIF, donors can eliminate income taxes owing on the plan’s assets on their final tax return. This is a simple and tax-effective way to support the university. More information can be found on the fact sheet.

fact sheet

Gifts of residual interest

There are many opportunities and tax advantages for you to give an art collection or your home to the university now, and continue to enjoy the use of the property for life. A gift of a residual interest in property is actually a gift of future interest, where you (the donor) retain a present interest. For more information about Gifts of Residual Interest, please review the fact sheet.

fact sheet

Charitable remainder trusts

If you have assets that you would consider gifting to the university in your will but would like to receive the income for life and the tax benefits today, a charitable trust arrangement may be the answer. More information can be found on the fact sheet.

fact sheet

Gifts of Life Insurance

A small investment in life insurance premiums is a great way to support the University of Victoria at a more substantial level than you may have thought possible. You can designate UVic as an owner and/or beneficiary, in whole or in part, of an insurance policy. This can be applied to an existing policy, or to one that is newly purchased. Please refer to the fact sheet for more detailed information.

fact sheet

UVic designations

The University of Victoria is a complex and growing institution. Your clients may have a general idea about which area of the university they wish to support, but may be uncertain about where, precisely, they should direct it. A list of UVic's faculties and departments is provided so that you can help your clients make that decision. Please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with creating a bequest that both fulfills your clients’ intentions and the goals of the university.

UVic also has gift acceptance policies that can help guide your planning. For the most current policies, please visit:


For more information, contact:

Kristy Colpron
Manager, Legacy Giving and Estate Administration
Phone: 250-721-8967

Lauren Stamhuis
Development Officer, Legacy Giving and Estate Planning
Phone: 250-721-6001

All enquiries are kept strictly confidential.

Please consult your income tax, financial, and/or legal advisors before arranging a legacy gift.