Meet Student Fundraiser Pam

Spotlight on Pam
Pam studies political science and plays rugby at the national level.

Pamphinette Buisa has worked in the call centre since September 2015. She maintains this job while enrolled as a full-time student at UVic studying political science and playing rugby for both the Vikes and the national women’s rugby sevens team.

What do you like best about being a student fundraiser?

My favorite part about being a fundraiser is talking with the alumni. I just love seeing how their degrees complement their personal life and learning about how UVic has opened the door to their goals and aspirations.

Tell me about an interesting conversation you had recently

Most of my conversations are very unique, but the most interesting one I had recently was with a Vikes alumni who competes on a national team and is an aspiring Olympian. She was explaining to me that she was able to complete her degree within 4 years, while competing and training at the elite level throughout her entire time in university. She told me about how accommodating her teachers were and how she appreciated being able to pursue her goal of achieving a university degree while furthering her dreams of going to the Olympics one day.

What has surprised you most about this role?

I was surprised by how much of a team atmosphere we have at the call centre. I love how everyone is so committed and motivated to make a change in bettering the student and community life. The positive environment really pushes us to stay focused and strive for success.

What are you most excited to talk to alumni and donors about, and why?

As a current Vikes athlete, I'm most excited to share information about the Vikes Championship Breakfast. It is the biggest fundraising event for Vikes athletes, which tremendously helps with athletic scholarships and financial costs associated with each of the varsity programs. Donations are matched by the university, which is huge when it comes to supporting varsity teams and student athletes.